
Development Roadmap


Objectives / challenges

  • Faster
    • Multi-thread:
      • node.js?
      • ajax calls?
      • reactphp?
  • Offline?

(thank you for your patience)

Ceci n'est pas une
sauce de tomate

APIs change the way we build applications

QA functions reworked

Unique rule-based function

  • if srcExpr found in srcSeg
    • if tgtExpr (!) found in srcSeg
      • new error
  • Already existing options:
    • Same mumber (bool)
    • Regex or Wildcard or Literal
    • Full segment (bool)
  • Become options:
    • Disallowed: (!)
    • BackRef: () -> \1
    • ForRef: \1 <- ()
    • Back/For: dir = s2t/t2s, or f/b


  • To store and reuse preferences/settings
  • Central maintenance by manager
  • Different scopes:
    • Default (all)
    • Language preferences
    • Container preferences
    • User preferences


  • Profiles
  • Rules (previously as CSV, now as SQL)
  • Checks
    • language/container-specific (rule)
    • generic (no rule)
  • Reports
    • errors
  • Errors
    • rule_id, seg_id, edit_id
  • Logs (stats)

Input types

  • Existing (file or zip batch):
    • XLIFF
    • Excel (2 columns)
    • TMX
  • New:
    • OMT packages
      • Analyses target XLIFF files
      • Analyses project_save.tmx
    • RFF: Run Omt to create target files
      • if latest date in project_save > latest date in target files

Redefinition of some checks

Untranslated vs. Empty

  • in bilingual files
    • empty: tgt = 0
    • unaltered (xlat identical to src): src = tgt
  • in OMT packages
    • empty: ><
    • unaltered: src = tgt
    • untranslated: src = tgt + !E seg in proj_save

New check: Fuzzy (VF4TA)

  • Find similar in
    • File
    • Batch
    • Container
    • Global (all ML)

New check: Consistency+

  • Find inconsistent translations in
    • the file
    • the batch/project
    • the container
    • globally

RFF: Edit translation

  • Editable target version
  • Saved in the report
  • Merged back in file


  • Run on:
    • input files in Vaytt
    • TMX files in MemoryLn
      • btn on the right for each row


  • CRUD approach, ruleset database
  • Keep track of modifications to a rule, see history
    • modified by upload
    • modified by editing
  • New value: version -> allows to compare with previous version
    • table.edits
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three



get latest version from rules table +
user who last updated the rule +

history of the rule (row per version w/ user) +

list of checks where it was applied

User feedback onboarded

Client sends request with files and prefs

Server analyses batch and returns report

Client sends back feedback on the report




Frontend rendering (1)

  • User feedback (votes)
    • used to fine-tune results:
      • Error (OK)
      • Ignore (FP)
        Never again
    • saved at the end
      • button Save
      • on closing tab
      • inactivity

Frontend rendering (2)

  • Display of results staggered by scope:
    • Segment
    • Batch/project
    • Container
    • Global (all ML)
  • New column in QA report: Scope


  • Requests from another server
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three


  • Exploit language assets (ML = corpora)
    • Train MT engines
    • Extract language information
  • Exploit statistics
    • Who did what when?
    • What checks are more/less useful?
    • What checks produce more/less false positives?

cApps development roadmap

By msoutopico

cApps development roadmap

  • 183