HO Support in Logic Specification Languages
for Data Mining
Matthias van der Hallen - ICLP DC (31/08/15)

A grounder and solver that supports certain FO(·) extensions
Family of Languages extending FO with:
- Type System
- Arithmetic
- Inductive Definitions
- (Partial) Functions
- Aggregates
- ...
Data Mining
Large, or even infinite, domains: costly enumeration
Potentially backed by a traditional database
Same concepts reoccur often.
E.g. Homomorphism, isomorphism
Not much support for this in KR languages

We write the transitive closure of binary relations very often:
∀a, b : ClosureOfP ( a, b ) ← P( a, b ).
∀a, b : ClosureOfP ( a, b ) ← ∃c : P( a, c ) ∧ P( c, b ).
- Structured Recursive & Generic Types: ADTs
- Relations as First Class Citizens
- Library Building Constructs
FO(·) misses:
∀a, b : ClosureOfP ( a, b ) ← P( a, b ).
∀a, b : ClosureOfP ( a, b ) ← ∃c : P( a, c ) ∧ P( c, b ).
We write the transitive closure of binary relations very often:
∀a, b : ClosureOfP ( a, b ) ← P( a, b ).
∀a, b : ClosureOfP ( a, b ) ← ∃c : P( a, c ) ∧ P( c, b ).
∀a, b : ClosureOfP ( a, b ) ← P( a, b ).
∀a, b : ClosureOfP ( a, b ) ← ∃c : P( a, c ) ∧ P( c, b ).
- Structured Recursive & Generic Types: ADTs
- Relations as First Class Citizens
- Library Building Constructs
FO(·) misses:
∀a, b : ClosureOfP ( a, b ) ← P( a, b ).
∀a, b : ClosureOfP ( a, b ) ← ∃c : P( a, c ) ∧ P( c, b ).
- Library Building Constructs: Templates
Higher Order Support is an important step towards Modularity:
Templates are Second Order definitions
Closure(P,Q) ← {
Q(x,y) ← P(x,y) ∨ (∃ z: Q(x,z)∧Q(z,y)).

- Library Building Constructs: Templates
Higher Order Support is an important step towards Modularity:
Templates are Second Order definitions
Closure(P,Q) ← {
Q(x,y) ← P(x,y) ∨ (∃ z: Q(x,z)∧Q(z,y)).
Many solving systems, such as IDP, depend on a grounding phase.
Grounding translates FO(·) constraints to a propositional level
but when domain enumeration is costly or impossible, we can't ground naively.
∀a : P(a) ⇒ ∀b : Q(a,b).
¬P(a1) ∨ Q(a1,b1).
¬P(a1) ∨ Q(a1,b2).
¬P(a2) ∨ Q(a2,b1).
¬P(a2) ∨ Q(a2,b2).
Smart Techniques
- Lazy Grounding & Relevance
- Quantifier Elimination & Rewriting
- Oracles
We need smarter techniques to handle large domains and higher order constraints:
Lazy Grounding & Relevance
∀a : P(a) ⇒ ∀b : Q(a,b).
- Grounds only when necessary
- Only partially if formula is complex
- Only relevant literals, i.e. the program's truth value depends on that of the literal
For large domains, this is grounded when:
P(a) is made True for some a
- Q(a, b) is made False for some (a, b)
Quantifier Elimination
Reducing the number of quantifiers makes for smaller groundings
Skolemization: Replace existential quantifiers by (Skolem) variables:
- Unnested ∃: introduce skolem variable
- Nested ∃: introduce functions
∃a : P(a).
∀a : ∃b : Q(a,b).
∀a : Q(a,S(a)).
Requires support for functions
Extensions & other techniques exist:
- Rewrite ∀ quantifiers to ∃
- Rewritings such as in Presburger Arithmetic (Cooper1972)
Technique to allow quantification over predicates:
- Ensure quantifications are existential
- Encapsulate quantification body as theory
- Solve this Existential SO theory using
subsolver as oracle - Require it to pass/fail
Matthias van der Hallen
Celestijnenlaan 200A, Leuven
+32 16 37 39 84
By Matthias van der Hallen
- 1,079