A task runner optimized for performance and flexibility
- Task runner for assets with caching system
- First commit by Hendrik Klindworth in 2014
- Written in JavaScript, runs on node.js
- Used by Forge and Elvenar
- config.json - defines basic configuration
- gunnerfile.js - runnable script, defines tasks
- tasks - contain steps, can depend on other tasks
- steps - file processing job, depends on operation
- operation (AKA op) - piece of code to run a step
- cache - system for avoiding running steps
- cleanup - special mode to remove leftovers
Concepts: config.json
- 3 mandatory fields
- srcDir - source
- destDir - destination
- cacheDir - cache data
- can contain any other fields
- accessible as gunner.config
- override with --setConfig
- srcDir will be the working directory
Concepts: gunnerfile.js
- normal javascript code
- executed internally by gunner
- has prepared gunner environment
- defines tasks with gunner API
Concepts: tasks
- contain steps to process files
- defined with gunner.addTask
- executed sequentially
- order defined by addTask calls
- can depend on other tasks
- dependencies specified in addTask
- dependencies will be called first
Concepts: step
- actual file processing job
- defined as a part of task
- runs in parallel with other steps of a task
- object with 3 fields
- src - glob string or function returning array of input file paths (relative to config.srcDir)
- dest - destination path (relative to config.destDir)
- op - operation to invoke on src files
Concepts: op(eration)
- named and versioned reusable piece of code
- invoked by gunner when processing steps
- takes source files and destination
- returns array of output files
- object with 3 fields
- name - string with a simple op identifier
- hash - hash string produced from version and given configuration, used for caching
- exec - actual function with operation code, preferably as asynchronous as possible
Concepts: cache
- used to avoid processing unchanged assets
- one cache JSON file per task
- JSON object contains entries for steps
- key is produced from op hash, input files and destination
- value contains modification time and content hash for input and output files
- modification time is a fast-path to avoid expensive content hash checks
- a step is re-run when any of input or output files are changed/added/missing
- cache file is updated after step processing
Concepts: cleanup
- invoke with the same configuration and --cleanup
- to be executed right after a normal run
- reads cache files for defined steps and gets "known" output files
- deletes any files in destDir that are not "known"
- also deletes cache files in cacheDir for unknown tasks
Best practices?
- one step per file for 1:1 processing
- simple copy, image resize, etc.
- no writing same file in different steps!
- messes up cache resulting in step re-runs and potential asset regeneration
- be mindful about op.hash
- bump version when changing behaviour
- normally hash step constructor arguments
- avoid hashing callbacks! (e.g. gunner-flatten)
- add constants by code to hash (e.g. magic strings/numbers)
How we use it
(in Forge Browser)
- two-stage processing with two gunner configurations:
- browser-asset
- collects assets from SVN checkout folders
- places assets into folders as required by the client
- simply copies ready-for-browser files, does additional processing for others
- resize, convert and compress images
- extract building animation "subframes"
- convert sounds
- browser-texture
- collects prepared assets from browser-asset
- combines assets into atlases (texture or sounds)
- generates manifest files
How we use it
(in Forge Browser)
- after running browser-asset and browser-texture:
- merge the output from both of them
- run more manifest generation scripts
- asset/reflib mapping
- checksum symlinks
- typed reflib code
- commit and push the output to the game_foe_browser_resources repo
- probably the messiest part and a huge TODO:
- could/should be done with gunner in a browser-texture run
- no need for symlinks anymore
- mappings are messy
- lots (?) of assets unused by client
- etc.
By Dan Korostelev
- 552