Daniil Korostelev
About me
- Coding since 7 y.o. (Speccy, Fido, Quake mods, fun years)
- First love: Python (UI and then server dev)
- Then a bit of C and C++
- Then some ActionScript3 and JavaScript
- Then C# and Unity... and Haxe \o/
- OCaml somewhere inbetween
- Currently a Haxe dev at Forge of Empires
- Still keeping an eye on different tech
About HAXE
- Created by Nicolas Cannasse (Motion Twin/Shiro Games)
- 1.0 released in 2006, 4.1.4 released in 2020
- Open souce, independent, supported by foundation partners
- General-purpose, but originally comes from gamedev
Some code
good things
- Multi-target compiler
- Powerful type system
- Expressive syntax
- Static analyzer and optimizer
- Fast compile times, compiler cache
- Trivial-to-easy native interop
- Compile-time code generation
- Small (compiler+std - 6-8mb zipped)
Multi-target compiler
- Single codebase -> multiple target platforms
- Common standard library across targets
- Cheap or zero-cost abstractions for target-specific things
- Conditional compilation and native code injection
- Eval (built-in interpreter)
- Lua
- C#
- Python
- Java
- Neko
- JavaScript
- HashLink (and C, kinda)
- C++ (and CPPIA)
- SWF (Flash)
Type system: trivial stuff
- basic types
- class/interfaces
- Bullet Three
...yep, it has those
- AKA function pointer, delegate, callback, etc
- Describes function arguments and return type
- Can include argument names for readability
- Helps with architectural bloat, but beware of callback hell :)
- unspecified types are inferred from context
- very useful for local vars anonymous function args
(keep some balance for good readability and errors)
- Array<T>, Map<K, V>
- and any custom types and functions
- type parameter constraints
- type parameters are erased from run-time (Java-like)
- @:generic for C++-like templating
TYPE System: enum
- NOT a glorified number (C-style)
- also known as sum / algebraic / variant type
- great for defining variants of data
- Processed using pattern matching (more on this later)
- Exhaustiveness checking
- Type parameters and even GADT are supported
TYPE SYSTEM: structure type (and anonymous objects)
- Objects are checked by structure, not type name
- Type-safe duck-typing (AKA structural typing)
- Complemented by anonymous objects
- Useful for config objects, multiple return, etc.
(may have some run-time costs, depending on the target)
type system: typedef
- Gives types new names
- Useful for anonymous types (function, structure)
- Useful for shortening parametrized types
- Can have type parameters on their own
type system: abstract type
- Gives types new meanings
- Compile-time abstractions over types
- Eliminated from run-time (zero cost abstraction)
- Methods, operator overloading, implicit casting
- enum abstract for "classic" enums
- Helps against "primitive obsession"
Type system: abstract type
Example #1: type safety
Type system: abstract type
Example #2: moar abstraction!
syntax: pattern matching
- Branching by matching object structure against a pattern
- Patterns can be simple, like basic constants (classic switch)
- Or complex, checking inner structure of values
- Supports or-patterns, variable capture, guards, extractors
- The way to extract arguments from enum values
example #1: enum
example #2: structure
SYNTAX: for loops
- NOT a "C-for" (no init;cond;step)
- Declarative, based on iterators
- Supports key => value iteration
- Standard Array, Map are iterable
- Standard simple Int iterator
- Custom iterators (zero cost with inlining)
SYNTAX: Array/map Comprehension
- Create Array/Map with for loops
- Short and declarative
- Supports conditions and inner loops
syntax/type system: static extensions
- Static helper methods for any type
- Use like it was a member method
- First argument is the type to attach to
- Enable with using MyExtensions;
syntax/type system: import.hx
- Global or per-directory imports/usings
- Literally a file named import.hx containing imports
- Nice for widely used "framework" things
syntax: everything is an expression
- No separation between statements and expressions
- Almost anything can be used in a value place
- Often more declarative and less imperative
- Useful to avoid repetition in code
syntax: everything is an expression
- Compile-time code generation
- NOT textual replacement (C-like)
- Procedural AST processing
- Extensive compiler API
- Can replace expressions in place
- Can change and define new types
- Access to system API (filesystem, sockets, etc)
- Lots of use cases:
- syntax sugar
- DSLs
- boilerplate generation
- pre-calculation and embedding
- types from static data (e.g. assets)
- custom static analysis
less useless macro
example: embedding
example: type-safe asset access
example: ui components
example: shader language
example: serialization
example: web routing
- Dead code elimination
- Tail recursion elimination
- Explicit inlining
- Const/copy propagation
- Loop unrolling
- etc.
- Care required for untyped parts
...doesn't take 7.5m years to calculate
bad things (compared to big players)
- Well-unknown
- Small community
- No big-tech support
- Not enough quality libraries
- Standard lib is barebones
- Some undefined behaviour
- Tooling is still lacking
thank you!
By Dan Korostelev
- 1,469