...Git by with a little help from my friends

gonna "collaborate on code projects" with a little help from friends...

Pull, Code, Commit, Push


Bob (command line) Crowley

Nate (SourceTree) Morse

Justin (GitKraken) LaRose


Pull, Code, Commit, Push



Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Being "great" at Git is a waste of your time, but if you aren't "good" at it, all your great code could go to waste.



Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Git enables Collaboration: this is one of its best features and we will show you how.

Historically Git was created to decentralize software version control, also to speed up and save disk resources. Making branching and merging fast and easy. Created by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. 



Pull, Code, Commit, Push

concept of

  • Local and Origin repositories
  • Keeping a history of all commits as a database of hashed compressed blobs
  • Low cost of branching and merging your committed code




Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Create a Git repository with your local code:

  • make .gitignore file
  • initilize the repo in the code folder 
  • create a new repository on GitHub
    but don't initialize on github
  • link you local repo to the origin
    then others can Clone your repo


Part of the "Wait, It's Fun!"  family of  spinner games.



using the command line

Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Task #1 Give the Frogs more bounce

See: game.js lines 41, 42


using SourceTree

Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Task #2 Fix Backwards Lilly-Pad motion and make move faster.

See: game.js lines 118 and 122


using GitKraken

Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Task #3 Fix the overlapping frogs

make the frogs bounce off each other

See: game.js line 112



Pull, Code, Commit, Push

  • Pull: from origin (fetches and merges locally)
  • Code: this is what you do
  • Commit: first stage your files and then commit them to the current branch
  • Push: sends your commits to the origin


Game Controller input #574

Accept input from game controller

Touchscreen input #2234

Accept input from a touchscreen

Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Fast track these two input device handlers (two developers working at the same time)


Automatic resolution

Code for the two new input devices (Game Controller and Touchscreen) are both implemented in the same area of a common file.

Lets see how these conflicts are resolved

Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Tilt frog on capture

See: game.js line 96

Tilt frog on capture

See: game.js line 96

Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Not a great moment in project management: two developers work on the same task and come up with different solutions.


with conflicts

Two developers have changed the same line of code

This requires manual resolution of conflicts.

Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Branch management

task switching with ease

We have shown Pulling and Pushing and Merging.

You can have any number of local branches to manage your commits to handle multiple tasks at the same time.

Pull, Code, Commit, Push

A bug needs

to be fixed in production

(a HotFix)

a quick fix is needed in production.

Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Longterm feature 

Know the difference between merging one way and the other

Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Longterm feature 

branches need a reality check every once in a while 

Pull, Code, Commit, Push



Pull, Code, Commit, Push

Best practices

  • Every branch is named for its a purpose
  • Large tasks should have their own branch
  • Pull often, so that you stay in sync with others
  • Only push working and tested code to 'develop'
  • Merge in from 'develop' into your feature branch often


We reserve the right to answer any and all questions with "We don't know." 


  • github.com/crowcoder/FallingFrog
  • git-scm.com
  • www.sourcetreeapp.com
  • www.gitkraken.com


Thank, You, Very, Much


By Nate Morse


  • 1,418