Map Renderers &

Wed Jul 29 2015

Google Maps

Apple Maps


What is


OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a cross-languagemulti-platform application programming interface (API) for rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics. The API is typically used to interact with a graphics processing unit (GPU), to achieve hardware-accelerated rendering.

OpenGL Pipeline

It is the tool you use to take data and turn it into pixels. 

You have to do everything yourself...



  • JavaScript API
  • GLSL
  • Runs on Modern Browsers
  • OpenGL ES 2.0 Spec
  • C API
  • GLSL
  • Runs Natively
  • Several Specs Out There...

They both take your data, put them in

buffers on the GPU -- allowing you to draw

with that data.


GL Shading Language

Vertex Shader

Fragment Shader




Vertex Shader + Fragment Shader = Program

1 app can = many programs


A way of getting vertex and other per vertex data on the GPU.

gl.createBuffer - creates a buffer

gl.bindBuffer - sets that buffer as the buffer to be worked on

gl.bufferData - copies data into the buffer

Vertex Shader

Transforms each vertex's position in the model (vector tile coordinates) to the 2D coordinate at which it appears on the screen.

Setting a variable gl_position that gets the clipspace values for the current vertex.

Vertex Shader Data Sources:

Attributes - data pulled from buffers


Uniforms - values that are constant for all                          vertices in a draw


Textures - data from pixels / texels.


The vertex shader is called 1 x per vertex.

Fragment Shader

Provides a color for the current pixel being rasterized.

Sets the global variable gl_FragColor.

Fragment Shader Data Sources:

Varyings - data passed from the vertex                           shader and interpolated.


Uniforms - values that stay the same for                          every pixel of a single draw call


Textures - data from pixels / texels

The fragment shader is called 1 x per pixel.

What is a map renderer?

The process of rendering a map generally means taking raw geospatial data and making a visual map from it.


The most widely used open source map renderer.

Vector Tiles

Learn more about how vector tiles work on my Leaflet Vector Tiles presentation...

Vector Tile

The rendering pipeline of data to pixel is shared by Mapnik and the OpenGL map renderer.


A vector tile is an intermediate binary protocol buffer data format. This contains post projection vertices in the coordinate space of a web mercator tile.

The vector data is rendered to pixels on the fly, on your local machine with OpenGL.

Esri's Fork of mapbox-gl-js

Style Map On Device

Besides fluid zoom transitions and smaller source data, you can change the style of your map without loading any new data.


Rather than styling the map with CartoCSS or SLD, we have a style.json document that determines how the data is drawn on the map.

If you modify a value in the style sheet, all you have to do is call map.render()


There are two Mapbox libraries that are currently being developed in parity:


OpenGL ES 2.0

The amount of work that this "low level map renderer" is requiring to get to a production level library is extensive...


But, it will completely change how maps look and behave for the rest of the industry outside of Google and Apple.

Cartographic Challenges

Line Anti-Aliasing

GL does draw lines, but it only knows to turn on pixels in between vertices...


You have to make your own "glyph atlas" and used signed distance weighting from the glyphs to set your font size...


and kerning...

Ad hoc Projection?

Map Renderers and OpenGL

By Nicholas Hallahan

Map Renderers and OpenGL

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