Revue de Presse

Backbone.js Paris / mercredi 22 juin 2016

Best Of Web 2016

9 et 10 juin 2016

State of the Art JavaScript in 2016

The Sad State of the Backbone Ecosystem

Overview de l’état des librairies de la communauté Backbone.js

Is Backbone dead?

Nope, but…

« Backbone is stable and doesn't undergo huge change at the moment, so lack of hype makes ppl think it's dying. »

No active development, not picking best practices, moving slow

Simplicity, flexibility

Not hype

Go check gitter

=> people think it’s dead
=> people move to React/Flux


Backbone v1.3

v1.3.2 le 12 Mars 2016

  • Added findIndex and findLastIndex Underscore methods to Collection.
  • Added options.changes to Collection "update" event which includes added, merged, and removed models.
  • Few fixes of edge case bugs

Marionette v3…?

Coming sooooooon

React vs Vue

for dynamic tabular data

En vrac

Merci !

Backbonejs Paris S02E03 Press Review

By Nicolas Carlo

Backbonejs Paris S02E03 Press Review

Revue de Presse du meetup Backbone.js Paris S02E03 du 22/06/2016 -

  • 882