
by playproject.io

Why DatDot

Dat since 2013


Activist hacker meetups


Node school, Wizard Amigos and Cyber Wizard Institute


Refugees Work


Doing good stuff, but being broke

Why DatDot

Getting a paid gig


Working on in-the-browser Dev tooling for Solidity


Pushing and promoting dat


Building dat based smart contract hosting solution


Getting a Web3 Foundation Grant for DatDot

DatDot Wizard Story

Book = Hypercore

Pages = Chunks

Book Fair = Swarm


Collective of Helpers => Magical system

= DatDot


DatDot Tech

Dat (Hypercore protocol)

writing books/visiting fairs/reading/copying data


Substrate - modular rust based framework 

appreciation mechanism/magical board




DatDot Tech

Milestone 1: Substrate + Service

Technology/mechanism for communities (Open source)

Thank You



@bxb_fiona, @Jam10o, @ninabreznik, @rangermauve


Background story

By Nina Breznik

Background story

  • 930