- Create a Cognito Pool Id and add it in your scene by pasting the Id in the `AWS Configuration` component in the Inspector panel.
- This is important if you are using other AWS services like AWS IoT, Polly, Lex in the Sumerian scene.
- You can create the Cognito Pool Id from the CloudFormation template.
- You can add the host in the scene from the Import Assets option.
- You can change the host's `Point of Interest` component to any entity to make it look more realistic. Generally, you would like to use the default camera as the `Drop Entity`.
- Another host component is `Animate Using Speech`. Lip sync and gestures are self-explanatory. `Gesture Hold Time` is the number of seconds you want your host to hold the gesture (keep it 1 sec). `Min Gesture Period` is the wait time between two gestures (keep it 0.1 sec).
- Amazon Polly is a text to speech service provided by AWS and you can integrate that service with your Sumerian host.
- In the Speech component
Dummy Assistant
By Nitesh Methani