Breaking the fear of

Front-end Testing

For testing newbies, testing-doubtful, or bug-haters devs.

Why should you test? 🤔

Because tests automate your manual checks

Because tests check at blazing speed

Because tests perform checks forever and ever 🔁

Because you don't need to change the code to reproduce edge cases 😅

So you can code safely

And then, you code with...

Few responsibility!

Trust me: testing is like using Git: you can't go back

Some testing perks:

• Confidence

• Refactoring made easy/possible

• Documentation

Documentation? 🤔

Yes! Take a look at these test descriptions!

• If the recovery submission goes well, the user  should see a success feedback


• If the recovery has been submitted elsewhere, the user should see a success state


• If the quorum fails, the user should be able to restart the whole process

Where do I start?? 🙋‍♂🙋‍♀

Unit tests

Integration tests

UI tests

Conventional approach

Profitable approach

Unit Testing...

vs UI Testing!

Doubts? 🤔

Probably yes!

Testing is a hard topic...



Unit Tests are abstract

UI Tests are concrete






It's hard to be familiar with the various kinds of tests


E2E Tests: automated front-end + back-end

• UI Integration Tests: automated front-end +
static back-end responses

UI Tests fall into two categories:


I don't have time!

Testing perks are in the medium/long term only 🤧


Safe refactoring while coding is too.

Working without a back-end is a short-term perk! 🎡

Automating manual checks is too.


Tests are brittle, I need to update them every time 😡


Users care about features, not tech details!

❌ Stores, internal states, frameworks, re-renders

✅ Login, buy, interactions, flows, features


Testing like a programmer is the #1 reason for test failures


I started testing... But bugs went to production anyway...


Unit tests

Integration tests

UI tests

Conventional approach

That's the fault


It's hard to understand what the app is doing while testing...


The tools are mature, the debugging experience is way better 👍


Tests fail with unclear reasons 💥


Writing well-speaking tests is a skill too 😉


If I don't TDD,

I don't test anything! 🤔


TDD requires a particular context and clear specs.

Forget it for now 😉


And if you do not trust me, at least trust Kent 🏆


I don't want to face

code coverage...


Remember that code coverage is just a tool!

It allows you to understand what you have tested and what you have not 😉


Unit tests

Integration tests

UI tests

Low code coverage

High code coverage


Tests increases the overhead 🤥


Everything new increases the overhead! Git increased it, React increased it, testing does the same 😉


Simply avoid to learn testing with something completely new.

Otherwise you don't know what is working and what isn't 😉

Last but not least...

... Sucks! 💩

... Your code...

... Usually...

And it's hard to test bad code!

(don't worry, mine sucks too 😁)

Unit tests

Integration tests

UI tests

Code testing

App testing

And allow you to refactor it 💎

UI Testing avoids you to face your code 💩👋

Starting from the top of the pyramid...

... Will drive you to understand why other tools exist and their pros and cons.

What does Cypress do?

It allows you to automate your UI tests through a controlled browser 🤖

I'm Stefano Magni (@NoriSte)

I'm a passionate front-end developer, a testing lover, and an instructor.


I work for WorkWave, a Field Service Software company.


My recent OS contributions:

(or just run $ npx noriste)

Thank you 🙏

(thanks goes to Matteo Ronchi too for the precious feedback ❤️)

Breaking the fear of front-end testing

By Stefano Magni

Breaking the fear of front-end testing

Writing tests is like using GIT: in a moment you wonder how you could work before discovering it. But how widespread is the practice of writing tests between us JavaScript developers? Is the entrance wall really insurmountable? I am going to give you some ideas to overcome the initial resistance by making you understand how and what to test and what NOT to test.

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