• What is GeoServer

  • GeoServer Features

  • Data output formats

  • Image output

  • Text output


GeoServer is a Java-based server .

Allows users to view and edit geospatial data


The reference implementation of the Open Geospatial Cosortium(OCG) , Web Feature Service(WFS) and Web Coverage Service(WCS) standards.


A high performance certified compliant Web Map Service (WMS).

GeoServer forms a core component of the Geospatial Web.


Developers Boundless Spatial, GeoSolutions, Refractions Research
Year started 2001
Stable release 2.19.1 - 22 May 2021
Written in Java
Operating System Linux, MS-Windows, macOS,  POSIX compliant systems
Type Geographic information system


Geoserver is OWS server. That is a server side application that can serve maps using standards like WMS and WFS.


Geoserver includes a web admin interface where you can style the layers or preview it.

The layer preview uses openlayers (and other techniques) to show a representation of the layers.


GeoServer reads a variety of data formats

  • PostGIS
  • ORacle Spatial
  • DB2
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Apache Solr
  • Shapefiles


The Layer Preview supports a variety of output formats for further use or data sharing.

Can preview all three layer types in the common OpenLayers and KML formats

Image Outputs

All image outputs can be initiated from a WMS getMap request on either a raster, vector or coverage data.

WMS - method that allows visual display of spatial data without necessarily providing access to the features that comprise those data.

Image Outputs

Format Description
KML Keyhole Markup Language - XML-based language schema for expressing geographic data in an Earth browser (eg: Google Earth / Google Maps)
JPEG WMS  output in raster format.
A compressed graphic file format, with some loss of quality due to compression. 
SVG (Scalabale Vector Graphics) WMS output in vector format.
A language for modeling two-dimensional graphics in XML.

Image Outputs

Format Description
OpenLayers WMS GetMap request outputs a simple OpenLayers preview window.
The OpenLayers output has some advanced filters that are not available when using a standalone version of OpenLayers
PDF Encapsulates a complete description of a fixed-layout 2D document, including any text, fonts, rester images, and 2D vector graphics.

Text Outputs

Format Description
AtomPub(Atom Publishing Protocol) WMS output of spatial data in XML format. ) Aapplication-level protocol for publishing and editing Web Resources using HTTP and XML. Atom allows subscription of geo data.
GeoRss(Rich Site Summary) WMS GetMap request output of vector data in XML.
XML format for delivering regularly changing web content

Text Outputs

Format Description
GeoJSON JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format based on the JavaScript programming language. This makes it an ideal interchange format for browser based applications since it can be parsed directly and easily in to javascript.
GeoJSON is a plain text output format that add geographic types to JSON.
CSV(Comma Separated Values) WFS GetFeature output in comma-delimited text.
Data values in each row are separated by commas.
GeoServer’s CSVs are fully streaming, with no limitation on the amount of data that can be outputted.


By nur amirah


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