Digital Resistance

On Digital Humanities as Counter-Narrative in Irish Studies


Nicholas Wolf, New York University

A Mediaeval Handbook of Gynaecology and Widwifery

(c. 14th/15th century)

CELT TEI-XML Edition, Beatrix Färber, 2010-12

<head><sup resp="WW" lang="en">R.IA., MS. 23. F. 19, fo. 24v, col. 1, line 1.</sup></head>

<p><gap> <frn lang="la">Et</frn> is iat so na neithi o nglantur an fuil an tan sin, mar atait na luibi ata te sa cedceim, mar ata iubur sleibhi &ersir; fumiterra &ersir; aipsint &ersir; borraiste &ersir; a cosmuile do luibib &ersir; do shiltaib &ersir; do blathaib &ersir; do torthaib, &ersir; dleghur na neithi sin beith a ceim cudruma na h-eslainti. <frn lang="la">Et</frn> gach ni ata te sa cedceim atait da rann te ann &ersir; enrann fuar, &ersir; da mbia an eslainti te sa cedceim dleghur da rann fuara cum an leighis &ersir; enrann te. <frn lang="la">Et</frn> gach uili ni ata te sa 2 ceim atait 4 raind te and &ersir; enrann fuar, &ersir; gach eslainti bias te sa ceim sin dleghur 4 rainn fuara cum a leighis &ersir; enrann te. <frn lang="la">Et</frn> gach uili ni ata te sa 3 ceim atait ocht rainn te ann &ersir; enrann fuar, &ersir; gach eslainti bis te sa ceim sin dleghur ocht rainn fuara cum a leighis &ersir; enrann te. <frn lang="la">Et</frn> gach ni ata te sa 4 ceim atait .ui. rainn deg te ann &ersir; enrann fuar &ersir; da mbiadh an galur sa ceim sin (a) te dleghur an leighes .ui. rainn deg fuara do beith ann &ersir; enrann te. <frn lang="la">Et</frn> is do reir na ceimeann so ata gach uili luib &ersir; crand &ersir; gum &ersir; shil &ersir; cloch amail aderum annsa n-aindtidair do tairrngedh a h-ughduras <ps reg="Avicenna (Ibn Sina)"><sn>Auicenna</sn></ps> noch do scriobadh a n-uniuersite na fisigechta a <pn>Sliab Pisalain</pn> &ersir; arna corugad do reir uird aibidlech o tosach co deredh.</p>

<p>Et is edh do bo shlan don Tigerna an tan doronad an lebur so .i. <date value="1352">mile bliadhan &ersir; tri ched bliadhan &ersir; da fhichit bliadh<ex>ain</ex> &ersir; da bliadh<ex>ain</ex> deg</date> nis mo &ersir;rl. tairrnic an lebur so an bliadh<ex>ain</ex> do marbadh <ps><fn>Seaan</fn> <gn>óg</gn> <sn>Mac Conaithne</sn></ps> &ersir; a tigh <ps>meic <fn>Diarmada</fn> <sn>hi Meach<ex>air</ex></sn></ps> do scribad. Dia trocaireach co nderrna se trocaire oraind uile.<note type="auth" resp="BF" n="15">Winifred Wulff provided an English translation of this fragment which was due to be published by the Irish Texts Society, in a volume containing an Irish version of the <title type="med-tract">Hortus Sanitatis</title>, and several smaller texts. This project reached the galley proofs stage in 1941. Winifred Wulff's health, and especially her eyesight, deteriorated so much that it was never finished before her death in 1946. The proofs are still extant in the Archive of the ITS. Her hitherto unpublished translation is given here with the kind permission of the Irish Texts Society:<lb>
[...] and these are the things by which the blood is purged at that time, .i.e. the plants that are hot in the first degree, such as mountain sage and fumitory and wormwood and borage and their like of plants and seeds and flowers and fruit; and these things ought to be in a degree equal to the disease. And everything that is hot in the first degree has two hot parts in it and one cold part and if the disease is hot in the first degree there ought to be two cold parts for the cure, and one hot. And  everything that is hot in the second degree has four hot parts in it and one cold part, and every disease that is hot in that degree should have four cold parts for its cure and one hot part. And everything that is hot in the third degree has eight hot parts in it and one cold part and every disease that is hot in that degree should have eight cold parts for its cure and one hot part. And everything that is hot in the fourth degree has sixteen hot parts in it and one cold part and every disease that is hot in that degree should have sixteen cold parts for its cure and one hot. And it is in accordance with these degrees that every herb and tree and gum and seed and stone is, as we say in the <title type="tract">Antidotarium</title> which has been drawn from the authority of <ps reg="Avicenna (Ibn Sina)"><sn>Avicenna</sn></ps>, written in the University of Physic in <pn reg="Montpellier">Mount Pissalanum</pn> (<pn>Montpellier</pn>) and which has been arranged in alphabetical order from beginning to end.<lb> And the age of the Lord when this book was made was <date value="1352">one thousand years and three hundred years and twice twenty years and twelve years more</date>. This book was finished in the year in which <ps><fn>Shane</fn> <gn>Og</gn> <sn>Mac Conaithne</sn></ps> was killed and it was in the house of <ps><fn>Dermot</fn> <sn>O Meagher</sn></ps>'s son it was written. May the merciful God have mercy upon us all. Finit. Amen.</note></p>
<closer><frn lang="la">Finit.</frn> Amen.</closer></div2></div1>

<div1 type="text" n="3" lang="ga">
<pb n="12">
<head><sup resp="ww" lang="en">A Handbook of Gynaecology and Midwifery containing part of the Muliebrium Liber of <q>Trotula</q> (i.e. Eros), and of the Rosa Anglica of John of Gaddesden (Johannes Anglicus)</sup></head>

<head>BOOK 2, chapter 17:</head>
<head>TCD E. 4. 1. p. 101r. a</head>

<p><mls unit="MS E fo" n="101ra col 1">
<frn lang="la"><sup resp="WW">C</sup>UM AUTUR UN<sup resp="WW">I</sup>UERCITATI<sup resp="WW">S</sup> &ersir; CETERA</frn> oir edirdealaighid ughduir na h-uilidheachta naduir na n-uili raet faena geinelachaibh budhein .i. Dia an tan rocruthaidh an domhan ar tus do coisrigh an naduir daenna do reir dhinite, oir tug se tigernus do reir chuinghill &ersir; tuicsina &ersir; resuin &ersir; t-sairsine doibh, arna h-uilib ainmidhi a sandtugadh na geineamhna do sir. <frn lang="la">Et</frn> tuc examhlacht neamcosmail do gach ord dibh fo leith &ersir; tuc tosach geineamhna &ersir; clandaighthi mailli re sairsine <term type="botany">despinsaitsi</term> .i. co h-aentadach don chenel daenna seoch gach aenchenel ele dibh ar tus mailli re fer &ersir; re mnai, do gheineamhain indus go ngeinti inntu sin sairsine do reir coimplexa &ersir; grasa aentadhach measardachta nadurdha an fir &ersir; na mna. <frn lang="la">Et</frn> as amhlaidh do ordaigh measardacht an fir ac toirmeasc fuaraigecht &ersir; fliuchaigecht na mna innus nach rachadh rann dibh co ro-mor seoch a ceile a n-uair na coimriachtana a cruthugad chailedh na geineamhna, oir as amlaid ata tes &ersir; tirmacht isin fer nis fuirtille do reir uaisli &ersir; dingmaltacht<sup resp="WW">a</sup> nis mo na sna mnaibh. <frn lang="la">Et</frn> fuaraigecht &ersir; fluichaigecht ag tigernugad isna mnaibh innus co fetfadis caili na fer gnimhugad idir cailibh na mban mar gheines an sil maith san ithir a cuirter he, &ersir; co fedann an bean beith mar fuilingtheoir an t-sil leis a doirte, da chongbail aici do reir nadura cuma ullmuighthe.</p>

<p><frn lang="la">DE CAPCIONE BENI UELENCIEO<sup resp="WW">NI</sup>S.</frn> Os anbainne na mna naid na fir do reir nadura &ersir; osa minca ghall<ex>raighter</ex> iad o chuis na geineamhna &ersir; co lanmor gall<ex>raighter</ex> iad timcheall na mball nadurdha &ersir; fuilingid na h-easlainti tre nairi &ersir; ar teitheadh imdergtha

A Mediaeval Handbook of Gynaecology and Widwifery

(c. 15th century)

RIA 23 F 19 (15th century)

Irish Script on Screen (1999-)

Winifred Wulff, "A Mediaeval Handbook," Irish Texts Fasc. V (1934)

Beatrix Färber, G600011, CELT (2010-12)

Digital Scholarship Focusing on Women's History, 1997-2007

Maria Luddy et al., A Directory of Sources for Women's History in Ireland (1997-99)

Maria Luddy and Geraldine Meaney, Database of Irish Women's Writing, 1800-2005 (2005-7)

Digital Scholarship and the Literary Canon

Matthew Jockers, Macroanalysis: Digital Methods & Literary History (2013)

Digital Scholarship and the Irish Language

Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Irish Script on Screen (1999 - present)

Royal Irish Academy, eDIL/Dictionary of the Irish Language (1913 - present)

Digital Scholarship and the Irish Language

Royal Irish Academy, Corpas na Gaeilge, 1600-1882 (2004) and Corpas Stairiúil na Gaeilge, 1600-1926 (2013 - present)

Paul Russell et al., Early Irish Glossaries Database (2006-9)

Digital Scholarship and the Irish Language

Fiontar DCU and Cló Iar-Chonnacht, (2011-present)

Royal Irish Academy/Digital Humanities Observatory, The Doegen Records Web Project (2008-9)

Digital Scholarship and the Irish Language

Fiontar DCU and the Placenames Branch, (2007 - present)

National Folklore Collection, University College Dublin and Fiontar DCU, (2013 - present)

Digital Scholarship and the Irish Language

Fiontar DCU and the Placenames Branch, (2007 - present)

1. Encounter Source

Handwritten Notes/Transcriptions

Type Notes/Transcribe into Digital Document File

Encode Information as Structured Data



Large-scale assisted keying, OCR-based corpus creation


Image-based archival research and storage, management


2. Analysis

Handwritten Notes, 3x5 notecards

Word-processing note manipulation, bibliographic software



High-performance computing


Researcher (re-)training in digital analysis/visualization methods


3. Publication

Research - to - Print publisher: peer review, editing, and book/journal production

Research - to - Electronic publisher: peer review, editing, and website / e-book production





Archival corpus creation and distribution


4. Preservation

Purchase of print asset, library cataloguing, and library preservation

In-perpetuity web hosting, web upgrades, file migration, digital asset storage, cataloguing, search and discovery interface





Deposit of personal research archive with library/archives; digital preservation, file migration, search and discovery interface


Deposit of print research archive with library/archives


Image source: sanjivini, Alena Artemova, Chinnaking, Noun Project

4. Preservation

Purchase of print asset, library cataloguing, and library preservation

In-perpetuity web hosting, web upgrades, file migration, digital asset storage, cataloguing, search and discovery interface




Image source: sanjivini, Alena Artemova, Chinnaking, Noun Project


Deposit of personal research archive with library/archives; digital preservation, file migration, search and discovery interface


Deposit of print research archive with library/archives


Digital Resistance, ACIS Midwest 2017

By Nicholas Wolf

Digital Resistance, ACIS Midwest 2017

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