Unpacking the Family Networks of the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers

Nicholas Wolf

New York University



Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
I. Transcription History

   1. Original Bank Records : 1995
      Recovered by Casey; microfilmed by NYPL; 
         finding aid 1997

    2. Test Books Key Entry: 1997 - Present
       Kevin Rich and Marilyn O'Connor Siebenman
Kevin Rich, Irish immigrants of the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank 
(4 vols, 2001 - )
28,000 + records 



New York University
Archives of Irish America



Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
I. Transcription History

    3. Bond and Mortgage Ledgers: 2015 - Present
       New York Public Library Emigrant City
       (see http://emigrantcity.nypl.org)


   4. Test Book and Deposit Account Ledger: 2017
      Re-transcription of test books,  
         transcription of deposit ledgers 
         by Anbinder, Wegge, Ó Gráda 
         (partial dataset at Dataverse 

Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
II. "Remarks" Field 

Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
II. "Remarks" Field 

Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
II. "Remarks" Field 

Nat of Cullina, 4 mi fr Maryboro, Queens Co Ire - Arr NY Jan 17, 1849 per ship The Kate Hunter fr LP - Par in Ire, Fa Peter - Mo Judy Crook - Is Mar to Mary McDonnell - 2 Children Judith & Mary
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
Nativity_Townland Cullinane
Nativity_County Queens
Nativity_Country Ireland
Name Tynan, Edward
Relation Self
Father Peter
Mother Cook, Mary
Spouse McDonnell, Mary
Daughter Judith
Daughter Mary
II. "Remarks" Field 

Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
II. "Remarks" Field 

Machine-Assisted Field Assignment

* remarks.split(',') => semantic blocks (usually)


* Machine-match terms to previously labeled terms ('Queens' = Queens, a county in Ireland)

*Infer gender from first names using machine-readable name-gender pairs from 1850 census


* Hand correct the results
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
II. "Remarks" Field 

* 3,502 accounts => 24,840 individuals

* Projected 25,000 accounts 
                => 177,428 individuals


* 1,292/3,513 (37%) no Irish-born account holder
                => 7,379/24,840 (30%) no Irish-          
                   born in 'virtual household'


* Projected 124,200 Irish-connected individuals
    and direct description of ~ 0.5% of Irish    
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
III. Geocoding U.S. Addresses 

Total: 17,463 individuals with an Irish-born in 'virtual household' (2,221 households)


7,395  = no location information


8,238 (~500) = simple address 
(country, city, street)


1,830 = full address


Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
III. Geocoding U.S. Addresses 

1,830 = full address








NYPL Space/Time
1854 Perris Fire Insurance (http://spacetime.nypl.org/)
Google Map API
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
III. Geocoding U.S. Addresses 

1,830 = full address










NYPL Space/Time
1854 Perris Fire Insurance (http://spacetime.nypl.org/)
Matched in Google with basic supervision
No match
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
III. Geocoding U.S. Addresses 

1,830 = full address










NYPL Space/Time
1854 Perris Fire Insurance (http://spacetime.nypl.org/)
Matched in Google with basic supervision
No match
usable addresses
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
IV. Results 

Average Household Size 7.86 (range: 1 - 28)
Average Number Children 1.13 (range: 0 - 12)
Female:Male Ratio (Acct Holders) 1:1.92
Average Ship Arrival Year 1846
NYC Breakdown
                 Manhattan 90%
                 Brooklyn 5%
                 Staten Island 3.4%
                 Bronx .05%
                 Queens 1%
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
IV. Results 

Average U.S. State Dispersal
(1 = Family in 1 State Only;
2 = Family 2 States, etc.)
1.14  (range: 1 - 4)
Average Int'l Dispersal
(1 = Family in
1.57 (range 1 - 4)
HHs with Members in Britain 203 (9.1%) => 109 Male, 94 Female
HHs with Members in Canada 44 (2%)      => 25 Male, 19 Female
HHs with Members in Australia 21 (0.94%) => 11 Male, 10 Female
HHs with Members Elsewhere 26 (1.17%) => 22 Male, 4 Female
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
IV. Results 

County Proximity Average
(1) Queens 11.16 km
(2) Down 6.25 km
(3) Longford 5.18 km
(29) Wexford 1.79 km
(30) Mayo 1.78 km
(31) Clare 1.73 km

Manhattan and Environs Density Measure by County

(Average Proximity to Others of Same County)

Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers
IV. Results

Queens       : 11.16 km
Down         :  6.25 km 
Longford     :  5.18 km
Limerick     :  4.59 km
Londonderry  :  4.34 km
Cavan        :  4.19 km
Fermanagh    :  4.14 km
Kilkenny     :  4.03 km
Leitrim      :  3.85 km
Carlow       :  3.75 km
Kings        :  3.71 km
Kerry        :  3.40 km
Westmeath   :  3.39 km
Antrim      :  3.09 km
Cork        :  2.98 km
Tipperary   :  2.80 km
Kildare     :  2.79 km
Armagh      :  2.77 km
Waterford   :  2.71 km
Sligo       :  2.70 km
Meath       :  2.60 km
Roscommon   :  2.41 km
Tyrone      :  2.36 km
Monaghan    :  2.25 km
Galway   :  2.23 km
Wicklow  :  2.16 km
Louth    :  2.10 km
Donegal  :  2.09 km
Wexford  :  1.79 km
Mayo     :  1.78 km
Clare    :  1.73 km


By Nicholas Wolf


UCD Global Diaspora Congress 2017

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