Lazy load anything using ocLazyLoad
What is it ?
- An Angular library to lazy load anything (js, css, templates)
- Adapt the logic to your needs (router, service, directive, DI)
- Many options (Change the loaders, use events, ...)
I know, the name isn't obvious...
Why lazy load ?
- Load your website faster
- Hide application logic from unprivileged users
- Also, load your website faster (seriously, what better reason do you need ?)
Better, faster, faster
Why do you need a lib to do that ?
- Easy to use
- Handles run & config blocks
- Deals with the cache
- The directive works like a mix of ng-if & ng-include
My cousin knows a guy who does it with the providers and...
How does it work ?
As a service
name: 'TestModule',
files: ['testModule.js']
}).then(function(data) {
// do what you want
With your router
$stateProvider.state('index', {
url: "/",
controller: 'AppCtrl'
resolve: {
loadMyCtrl: ['$ocLazyLoad', function($ocLazyLoad) {
// you can lazy load files for an existing module
return $ocLazyLoad.load({
name: 'app',
files: ['js/AppCtrl.js']
As a directive
<div oc-lazy-load="{name: 'TestModule', files: ['js/testModule.js']}">
<!-- Use a directive from TestModule -->
Bonus: DI
angular.module('MyModule', [{
name: 'pascalprecht.translate',
files: ['vendor/angular-translate.js']
).controller('MyCtrl', function($translate) { = $translate.instant('<3');
What's next ?
- Auto load (no config)
- ES6 support with SystemJS (import !!)
- Modularity
- Support for the deferred loading of providers in Angular 1.5
I'm working on it (once I'm legend in Hearthstone)
Check it out
By Olivier Combe
Lazy load anything using ocLazyLoad (for AngularJS)
- 4,210