Grab 'n Run

Ofek Wittenberg


  • The Android Market is huge
  • This promotes competition
  • Which leads to the use of DCL (Dynamic Code Loading)

What is DCL?

  • Similar to shared libraries.
  • Allows applications to load code that is not part of the initial code base.
  • Library is loaded at runtime.

Why use DCL?

  • Promote code reuse
  • Self upgrade functionality
  • Boost performance
  • Extensibility

The drawbacks of DCL?

  • Hard to make secure
    • Can lead to code injection attacks (Man in the middle attacks)
  • Evades static and dynamic analysis systems (Google Bouncer)
  • 16% of the top 50 apps are affected

How is DCL Exploited?

  • Code Retrieval
    • Vulnerabilities: Plain text
  • Code Storage - needed due to framework restrictions
    • Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable storage location such as in a world writable location - Enable malicious code to obtain rights of host app
  • ​Code Loading & Verification - Initialize the Android Framework responsible for handling the loading operation
    • ​Vulnerabilities  - Ensuring end to end code integrity.

Threat Model

The scope this solution aims to meet?

  • Device - Execute malicious code
  • Network Communication - Exploitation of unencrypted connections (MITM).
  • Remote Server(s) - attacker cannot compromise a remote server

Grab n Run Goals


  • Create a new library for DCL
  • The library must be practical
  • Make this library usable also when DCL functionality are implemented within third-party libraries.

Code Verification Protocol

The SecureDexClassLoader API

Repackaging Tool

  1. Unpacking

  2.  Manifest Update

  3. Call Site Identification

  4. Patching

  5. Reassembly


  • 12 developers
  • Skeleton app provided
  • Devs tasked with:
    • Obtaining remote code
    • Dynamically loading the code


  • 12/12 Excellent rating for the Overall evaluation of Grab'n'Run API
  • 12/12 Excellent rating for perceived security of SecureDexClassLoader
  • 11/12 Easier to implement Grab'n'Run API over DexClassLoader
  • 10/12 Grab'n'Run resulted in better code maintainability over DexClassLoader



Weak evaluation

Setting up secure remote endpoints is not trivial

Single point of failure

Non trivial overhead

Limited to DexLoader


  • Reduce overhead
    • if code retrieved via trusted HTTPS source no need to verify?
  • Configurable automation tool
    • Allow for any methods of DCL
  • Remove single point of failure -
    • Ensure, that code and certificates are stored in different domains
    • Google services integration
    • Utilize a Public Key Infrastracture (PKI)
  • More comprehensive evaluation


  • Dynamic Code Loading (DCL) is a useful feature of Android, but is supported and implemented insecurely. 
  • Grab ‘N Run aims to ensure DCL is done securely and easily, including third party applications.
  • Grab ‘N Run does this by implementing:
    • Secure storage of dynamically loaded code.
    • Guaranteed code verification via certificates
  • Grab ‘N Run automated patcher
  • Several significant limitations 

702 Seminar - Grab 'n Run

By Ofek Wittenberg

702 Seminar - Grab 'n Run

  • 538