How to get that internship/job

And little lessons I’ve learned along the way

About Me

  • Graduated last year
  • Ok grades
  • In my spare time:
    • Video games
    • Sports / Gym
    • Drone flying + Video editing
    • Small side projects
    • Travel

My Experience So Far

  • 1 year @ Orion as a SE intern + (part time)

  • 3 months @ Microsoft as a SE intern

  • 1 year @ Orion as developer (part time)

  • Part IV project & VC funding + incubator

  • 3 months @ Centrality (local start-up) as SE (contractor)

  • Starting in two weeks @ Microsoft as a SE


  • I'm no expert, take what you think is relevant.
  • I'm not "smarter" than you

Things I wish I knew

(while still at Uni)

Imposter syndrome is a heartless b!#$%

Start applying for industry jobs early.

  • Don’t be scared of mistakes.
  • Don’t be scared of asking for help.

Testing is life

You don’t owe your internship/workplace loyalty

How to score "that" job/internship

CV ( & project portfolio)

  • Your first impression
  • Make it short
    • 1 Page for every 10 years of experience
  • Highlight your experience
    • If lacking experience, highlight your academic achievements + side projects


  • Apply early (better yet, get a friend to refer you)
  • Any internship is better than no internship
  • Don’t be scared of applying
    • Apply to as many as possible (you can always defer an offer)
  • Amazing grades not vital
  • The best learning platform

    • Most learn by doing

  • Getting paid to learn

  • Take it all in, grow your skillset, network and have fun

Interviews process for big multinationals

  • CV submission + (some may ask for your transcript)
  • Screening interview (either on campus or via Skype)
  • Technical Interviews (either onsite or remote through Skype)
  • Offer?

How to win at those big interview

  • Study (do technical question practice!) – You need to know SoftEng 250 & 251

    • Cracking The Coding Interview (great book, good exercise questions)

    • (awesome exercise questions + step by step solutions)

  • Be confident and calm (not cocky)

  • Stress is the downfall of most interviewees

  • Pre-existing work experience is invaluable

  • Smile

Other tips: Friends + Connections are important  

  • Build you connections network constantly

  • Friends you make now, will help you get a job in the future and vice versa (referral bonuses are nice)

  • Vital for start-ups

  • Great for industry knowledge (Expected pay, competition etc.) 

Final words on internships

  • Being a team player is vital
  • Big difference between being able to remember algorithm runtimes and real world problem solving
  • Stay calm, be confident, study and have fun




SESA presentation

By Ofek Wittenberg

SESA presentation

  • 595