Alpha Cult - Slash Runner



Billebeino - Ski Jumper



Copyright Infringement - Combat Racing

Double Impact - Bumper Car Campaign


Double Jump Combustion - Meteorite


Edgy but cute - Whacky Tiles

Concept Jam Results

Game Junkies - Admageddon


Humble Addicts - Paper plane / Curve bullet 


Kattilassa - Fur-midable feast Game

No Monsters -  Save the penguin


Oh my Games - Building Demolition


Pixel Perfect - l i g h t Speed 

Concept Jam Results

Red Dot - Duck Drifting



Team Peruna  - Ugly unicorn



The leftovers - Prey

Trash panda - Dorifteru



Unsupported characters - Candy Factory 

Concept Jam Results



Doability 30%

Originality 35%

Presentation 20%

High Concept Document 15%

High Concept Document

No more than 2 pages of text

Add images/Sketches

Think of it as a résumé for a video game.


A. Is this game worth making?
B. Can this team make the game?

Add images/Sketches

Write down the structure of your pitch

Team work

Start making the presentations

Proof of concept

Videos for Pitching Reference

Concept Jam Results + Presentation

By Oulu Game LAB

Concept Jam Results + Presentation

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