Welcome to
Basics of web design

Teacher  Juan Romero Luis

Jan 17, 2023

Unit 1






This subject goals

  • To become familiar with the basics of web programming.
  • Handle jargon and solve basic problems in editing and publishing for the web.
  • To be able to integrate, optimize, and publish text, audiovisual, and data-based content for the web.


What is Web Design?

What is Web Design?

What can a website be used for?

(collaborative mind map)

About this subject

The evaluation

Tests 50%

Projects 50%

About this subject

The evaluation


Projects 50%

Final exam 35%
in the extraordinary call)

Essay tests in class 5%
(NOT reevaluative
in the extraordinary call)

Presentation of the final project 10% (reevaluative in the extraordinary call)

About this subject

The evaluation

Projects 50%

Tests 50 %

Questionnaire (20 questions)

Multiple choice, fill in the gap, matching, true/false

Short essay

Describe what you see

Final exam 35%
in the extraordinary call)

About this subject

The evaluation

Tests 50 %

Final project 40%
in the extraordinary call)

Class projects 10%
(not reevaluative
in the extraordinary call)


About this subject

A bit of context: ECO2

  • To provide open educational resources that can be replicated by anyone.
  • To enable participating students to play an active role in the Climate Warriors initiative.
  • To transversally incorporate the topic of GDS into the curriculum of students.

About this subject

What is circular economy?

About this subject

The three seven Rs

The final project

The final project

Steps to be followed

Choose an industry related to the Circular Economy

Identify a problem related to the Circular Economy

Create a communicational product (website)

Find an innovative solution that could solve the problem

(from a communicational perspective)

The final project

An example

Choose an industry related to the Circular Economy

Identify a problem related to the Circular Economy

Create a communicational product (website)

Find an innovative solution that could solve the problem

Fashion industry

Many people buy clothes without being conscious about the problems related to the fashion industry

Create an amazing website that showcases the project developed and could be included in your portfolio

Inform people to show alternatives by creating a creative and innovative communication campaign

The final project

Characteristics of the project

Groups of 2 to 3

Show information in a variety of formats

Simple and creative

Use original/open resources and a open license

The final project


The Raw files of the website HTML, CSS and JavaScript

A summary document fo the project document (template)


The final project


Students who do not attend 80% of the classes will not be able to take the exam or submit the project

The final project

Tutoring/mentoring sessions

will be after this class and they must be previously booked

The really basic concepts

The really basic concepts

How do browsers work?

The really basic concepts

Difference? HTML, CSS, JavaScritp

Unit 1. Introduction to the subject | Basics of web design 2023

By Juan Romero-Luis

Unit 1. Introduction to the subject | Basics of web design 2023

  • 173