Fellowship "at" Newsera project

Juan Romero- Luis

About me

Pre-doctoral researcher hired by the Spanish National University Teacher Training Programme (FPU) at King Juan Carlos University.

Science Communication

Multimedia production

Circular Economy


The research group

Efficient Communication for competitive Research Projects


Manuel Gértrudix Barrio

The grant

Mobility grants for short stays and temporary transfers for beneficiaries of the University Teacher Training program (FPU)

Submision dethline: Setember 30th 2020

The goals: short term

Submit the application

Before September 30th

First e-meeting

Sep 7th to 11th

Admission letter by the host institution
3 months (date for the submision can be modified later)


December 2020

Sep 11th to 18th

The goals: medium term


3 months
between March 1, 2020 and December 31, 2021

 if no 

if yes

Summit for a new mobility grant


The goals: fellowship

Proposal dates (suitible to be changed)

 April 2020 to June 2020


P.A.S.T.I.S period

Formicablu period

Activities related to Newsera project to be discussed

Activities related to Newsera project to be discussed

Citizen Science Communication Newsera Labs

I would love to be involved and collaborate with you

Fellowship planning proposal

from April 6th to July 5th

Juan Romero- Luis

Important date change made by the mobility grant evaluation committee

from April 6th to July 7th

No need to make changes within the invitation letter, but it is important to have in mind this date modification for the final fellowship certification

Fellowship planning proposal

Week 1-4
(April 6th to 30th)
Week 5-8
(May 3rd to 21st)
Week 8-12
(May 24th to July 5th)

Activity 1:

Conductong interviews and analysis related to WP2 of the Newsera project. 

Activity 2: Welcome Seminar at Pa.S.T.I.S

Activity 3:

Participating in Newsera Workshops

Activity 4: 
Attending formicablu content creation meetings 

Activity 5: Co-creation of formicablu product for Science Communication within Newsera project


Fellowship adapted planning proposal

Activity 1:

Conductong interviews and analysis related to WP2 of the Newsera project. 

Activity 2: Welcome Seminar at Pa.S.T.I.S

Activity 3:

Participating in Newsera Workshops 

Activity 4: 
Attending formicablu content creation meetings 

Activity 5: Co-creation of formicablu product for Science Communication within Newsera project

Week 1-4
(April 6th to 30th)
Week 5-8
(May 3rd to 21st)
Week 8-12
(May 24th to July 5th)

Other questions

  • Confirming the new date within the final certification
  • University exact location(s)
  • The role of SAOS Desk of University of Padova
  • Quarter-hood recommendation for my stay
  • Other remaining questions

Fellowship "at" Newsera project

By Juan Romero-Luis

Fellowship "at" Newsera project

Fellowship at Newsera

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