GeoGebra in the physics classroom - analyzing, modeling and simulations


Lauri Hellsten (      laurihellsten,

Espoon yhteislyseo Upper secondary school


Examples of the usage of GeoGebra and some thoughts

International GeoGebra Conference

India 2021


Main uses of GeoGebra in the physics classroom

  1. Drawing

  2. Solving ​equations using CAS

  3. ​Analyzing and modeling from data measured or given
  4. Visualizing physical concepts

1. Drawing

Students use GeoGebra for example drawing force diagrams and different situations.

FY4 course exam problem force diagram; student

1. Drawing

Students also draw with LibreOffice Draw

FY4 course exam problem force diagram; student

2. Solving equations

2. Solving equations?

3. Analyzing and modelling data

Old physics matriculation exam problem solved; Hellsten

3. Analyzing and modelling data

Students answer to an exam problem

3. Analyzing and modelling data


3. Analyzing and modelling data



No given regression model?

You could try fit(), datafunction() or spline() commands...

From book Resonanssi 2: Haapola, Hellsten, Huuska, Viitanen; e-Oppi

4. Visualizing physical concepts

From book Resonanssi 3: Haapola, Hellsten, Huuska, Viitanen; e-Oppi

4. Visualizing physical concepts

From book Resonanssi 3: Haapola, Hellsten, Huuska, Viitanen; e-Oppi

4. Visualizing physical concepts

From book Resonanssi 4: Haapola, Hellsten, Huuska, Viitanen; e-Oppi

4. Visualizing physical concepts

From book Resonanssi 4: Haapola, Hellsten, Huuska, Viitanen; e-Oppi

4. Visualizing physical concepts

From book Resonanssi 4: Haapola, Hellsten, Huuska, Viitanen; e-Oppi

4. Visualizing physical concepts

From book Resonanssi 4: Haapola, Hellsten, Huuska, Viitanen; e-Oppi

4. Visualizing physical concepts

 Resonanssi 5: Haapola, Hellsten, Huuska, Viitanen; e-Oppi

4. Visualizing physical concepts

Resonanssi 6: Haapola, Hellsten, Huuska, Viitanen; e-Oppi

4. Visualizing physical concepts

In-development material from Resonanssi 6: Haapola, Hellsten, Huuska, Viitanen; e-Oppi

4. Visualizing physical concepts


Self-assessment throughout the course

G-Suite - Forms

Multiple choice questions after each section so that the student can check his or her understanding.


Course material includes videos, about 50 per course


Group notes


Assignments done vs. time

Other tools

Google docs

"No technology has an impact on learning on its own; it all depends on how it is used. (Nesta, 2012)"

GeoGebra in the physics classroom #IGCI2021


GeoGebra in the physics classroom #IGCI2021

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