Following through

with animation

@opherv / dec 2016


Art by DarrenGeers

Hi! I'm Opher

I'm a creative developer at Interlude Eko


The Lion King (1994)

01  Squash and Stretch

02  Anticipation

03  Staging

04  Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose

05  Follow Through and Overlapping Action

06  Slow In and Slow Out

07  Arc

08  Secondary Action

09  Timing

12  Appeal

10  Exaggeration

11  Solid drawing

05  Follow Through and Overlapping Action

art by thecommaspace

art by thecommaspace

What are we making?

Animation specs:

Four circles


Total Iteration time:  1 second

Circle moment time: 0.5 seconds


Circle stagger time: 0.15 seconds

Our tools

* Web animation API

Implementation 1


Good performance across devices (GPU accelerated *)


Defined using CSS


Limited features /
complex animations are tricky


No dynamic animations


Hard to debug

CSS Animation - quick recap

@keyframes move {
  0%   { transform: translateX(0); }
  25% { transform: translateX(100px); }
  100% { transform: translateX(400px); }

    animation: move 2s infinite;

Let's add animation-delay

hmm... what just happened?

animation-delay affects only the start delay. It doesn't affect animation repeats!

Making sense of it all

0s = 0%
0.3s = 0.3 / 1s * 100 =  30%
0.8s = (0.3 + 0.5) / 1s * 100 = 80%
1s = 100%
@keyframes circle3{
  0%{ transform: translateX(0); }
  ???% { transform: translateX(0); }          
  ???% { transform: translateX(60px); }          
  100% { transform: translateX(60px); }     

The solution

@mixin createCircleAnimation($i, $animTime, $totalTime, $delay){      
      @include keyframes(circle#{$i}){
            @include transform(translateX(0));            
          #{($i * $delay)/$totalTime * 100}% {     
            @include transform(translateX(0));            
          #{($i * $delay + $animTime)/$totalTime * 100}% {     
            @include transform(translateX(60px));            
          100% {
            @include transform(translateX(60px));             

$animTime: 0.5s;
$totalTime: 1s;
$staggerTime: 0.15s;

@for $i from 0 through 3 {
 @include createCircleAnimation($i, $animTime, $totalTime, $staggerTime); 
 span:nth-child(#{($i + 1)}){
 animation: circle#{(3 - $i)} $totalTime infinite;
 left: #{$i * 60 - 60 }px;


@mixin createCircleAnimation($i, $animTime, $totalTime, $delay){      
      @include keyframes(circle#{$i}){
            @include transform(translateX(0));            
          #{($i * $delay)/$totalTime * 100}% {     
            @include transform(translateX(0));            
          #{($i * $delay + $animTime)/$totalTime * 100}% {     
            @include transform(translateX(60px));            
          100% {
            @include transform(translateX(60px));             


$animTime: 0.5s;
$totalTime: 1s;
$staggerTime: 0.15s;

@for $i from 0 through 3 {
 @include createCircleAnimation($i, $animTime, $totalTime, $staggerTime); 
  span:nth-child(#{($i + 1)}){
      animation: circle#{(3 - $i)} $totalTime infinite;
      left: #{$i * 60 - 60 }px;

by Will Stone

Implementation 2


Great, robust API

Dynamic animations


Handles browser inconsistencies


JS is implementation-sensitive

no display/logic seperation




Following through with animation

By Opher Vishnia

Following through with animation

  • 1,892