What People think Hackers do xD


  1. Beginner level programming experience
  2. Kali or any attacker distro (backdoor connection)
  3. Metasploit fundamentals
  4. Payload basics(won't be covered in this presentation, can visit the following link-  https://www.hacking-tutorial.com/hacking-tutorial/create-exploit-using-msfvenom-to-hack-windows-7-sp1/#sthash.uz0svhbY.dpbs




  • Testing the Setup

For testing

  • Navigate to
  • File -> Examples -> DigiSparkKeyBoard -> Keyboard example-> Compile and plug in DigiSpark
  • After the upload is finished , the script would start executing itself.

Making DigiSpark Act like a Keyboard

Keys are defined in the following way

Flow of the Script

Method 1 - Using the GUI navigation

Method 2 - GUI is boring , Lets' use Powershell

Minimizing all windows

Hitting the Windows button

Typing powershell

Running as root

Command to disable firewall

Editing the Registry

  • Using the elevated powershell we can make changes in our registry configurations.
  • Lets disable Real-time Protection provided by Windows Defender using the following command.
  • To add a new key 
    reg add  "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection" /v DisableRealtimeMonitoring /t REG_DWORD /d 1
  • For roll back 
    reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection"

Editing Registry

Downloading & installing payload on the victim.


  1. Starting a Web Connection from the powershell.
  2. Downloading the payload from the web. (for eg: pastebin)
  3. Running the payload.

Web Connection

Downloading the file from pastebin

Launching the payload

Our Script is Ready... Time to detonate

Time to Demonstrate

Thank You

You can reach me on:

LinkedIn:  pankaj-kumar-singh

Twitter: @pankaj08123

Medium : @pankajkumarsingh_1954

Slides link: https://slides.com/pankajkumarsingh/deck-1


By Pankaj kumar singh


null Bangalore Meet 23 February 2019 Combined monthly null/G4H/OWASP meet

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