Evolution of web and where is it heading?


How Web Works?

Source: http://write.flossmanuals.net/summary-of-firefox/how-the-web-works/


  • HTML - HyperText Markup language

Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee invented www in 1989

  • HTTP - HyperText Transfer protocol
  • URI - Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
  • formed W3c.org comittee (1994)

Documents & other resource sharing

World wide web - The Web


Pankaj P. Parkar

Senior Software Engineer, Deskera

  • MS MVP

  • Angular GDE

  • Opensource Maintainer

  • Stackoverflow Topuser

About Me!



First Web Page

Source: https://home.cern/topics/birth-web

  • First went live in 1993, though it was ready in 1991

Static HTML Pages

  • Vertical Layout only
  • Content wasn't dynamic
  • Alignment of element was tough (No CSS intially)
  • Browser were able to understand only HTML
  • Img tag with .gif support


HTML Journey

HTML 1.0 (1991)

HTML 2.0 (1995)

Form, table(with ceavate), input, button, etc.

form-based file upload, tables, etc


Source: https://www.mysamplecode.com/2012/04/generate-html-table-using-javascript.html



Cascade StyleSheet (CSS)

December, 1996

JavaScript (JS)

December, 1997

Brendan Eich


HTML 3.2 (Jan 1997)

HTML 4 (Dec 1997)

 w3c recommended 1st version

standard released under

HTML Journey

HTML 3 (Sept 1996)

Abandoned version

Become official standard Jan 1998


Static to Dynamic website


Source: http://royal.pingdom.com/2007/12/07/a-history-of-the-dynamic-web/


  • Technology like .Net, Java, php, etc came with aspx, jsp, applets, etc. pages to serve web pages with code behind written in there respective languages.
  • These technologies bound data to html page on Server Side itself.
  • Generates dynamic page on server before serving it to client

Adoption of Web


Source: http://www.scottgu.com/blogposts/viewdata/step5.png

ASPX Page(.Net)


Source: https://docs.jboss.org/tools/4.0.1.Final/en/GettingStartedGuide/html/jsp_application.html

JSP Page (Java)




html render page

View / Template


Find page based on route



Server Side Rendering





  • Pulling large dataset on server and render whole page on server takes time
  • Data binding workload on Server side
  • Initial page load time was too high in these cases
  • On each button click page has to send request to server and re-renders the page.


MVC, MVVM, MVP, MVV patterns

  • Primarily people focused on segregating clutter code
  • Code segregation added significant amount of improvement in performance and maintenance.
  • Different patterns were accommodated by all competitor market vendors.

M - Model

V  - View / ViewModel

C - Controller

P - Presentor


Extensible Markup Language (XML)

	<window title="Sample Konfabulator Widget">
	<image src="Images/Sun.png" name="sun1">
	<text data="Click Here" size="36" style="bold">
			sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90;


Flash Animations

  • Dependency on Flash Player (heavy plugin)
  • Animation on web + embeded audio / video Support
  • Different Flash games were made
  • ActionScript was used to perform actions

Source: http://digg.com/2017/best-most-memorable-adobe-flash-websites



  • Designed by Microsoft in 1999
  • Use for loading dynamic content on client side
  • Shipped with Internet Explorer 7.0
  • This helps to refresh part of page.
  • In 2005 jQuery made wrapper around XHR object which is known Ajax. It went viral afterwards.
  • In 2005 Yahoo begun offering Web Services in JSON 

aka XHR (1999)

var request = new XMLHTTPRequest();  
request.onload = function() {  
request.open('get', 'endpointUrl');  


    "widget": {
        "debug": "on",
        "window": {
            "title": "Sample Konfabulator Widget",
            "name": "main_window",
            "width": 500,
            "height": 500
        "image": {
            "src": "Images/Sun.png",
            "name": "sun1",
            "hOffset": 250,
            "vOffset": 250,
            "alignment": "center"
        "text": {
            "data": "Click Here",
            "size": 36,
            "style": "bold",
            "alignment": "center",
            "onMouseUp": "sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90;"


  • Douglas Crockford first specified and popularized the JSON format
  • Its way simpler, lighter, readable than XML.

(early 2000)

Adoption to RESTful API / Web Services

  • People started converting their Server to Restful API
  • It would consume by multiple type of application like Native Mobile App, desktop app, etc.
  • Earlier Javascript was only used for displaying alert / validation messages. 
  • Now days Javascript perform major role on client side user interaction.




Parse and Render it

Request initial page

Ask for dynamic data using XHR

Client Side Rendering

html page content








Client Side Rendering

People started thinking to render their application using AJAX dynamically

Separated HTML page




    <link href="style.css" />
    <script src="app.js"></script>
      Home Content
    <link href="style.css" />
    <script src="app.js"></script>
      Contact Content
    <link href="style.css" />
    <script src="app.js"></script>
      About Content


Single Page Application


  • Super fast in terms of UX interaction.
  • Navigation between pages are smother
  • Full browser features usage by Client Side Rendering 
  • Strategy is to replace placeholder with template based on URL.


    <link href="style.css" />
    <script src="app.bundle.js"></script>

URL: #/home

URL: #/about

URL: #/contact

   Home Content
 About Content
 Contact Content

Single Page Application (SPA) cont..

Few Problems

  • Initial Page load is too high
  • SEO becomes difficult


  • Bundling & minification
  • Compression techniques like gzip, deflate of static files
  • Lazy-loading.
  • SEO problem can be solved by using hashbang mode


Mobile Web

  • Responsive design
  • Low end mobile devices takes more time to load web application developed for Desktop site.


Source: https://medium.com/dev-channel/the-cost-of-javascript-84009f51e99e


Flash Died

  • Site made with flash takes longer to load.
  • Heavy on mobiles.
  • No smart SEO on embedded Flash
  • In 2007 Iphone stop supporting flash
  • In 2007 audio and video API support added unofficially.


Responsive Design

Bootstrap (2011)

Foundation (2011)

Twitter (2006)



Data Binding


  • Earlier day Data binding was quite difficult task in CSR
  • In 2010 two fellows ( knockout & backbone ) came and solved multiple issues of web 
  • Even these framework used to create SPA.
  • But eventually there were several issues with complex data model binding.
  • Later angularjs came around 2012, addressed the missing stuff elegantly.
  • Afterwards other framework came like react, vue, aurelia, mithrill, Angular, etc.

Data Binding + SPA


Still we need Faster page loading time...


Serverside rendering

using node

  • Understand & Run on Javascript
  • Has chrome v8 engine
  • Can easily help to render dynamic view which uses js
  • No need to worry about SEO, as server is going to return full fledge HTML


Isomorphic Application

  • Same code works on server side and client side rendering
  • Create single page application without having to wait long time
  • Run javascript on browser and server side via nodejs


Web Development Cycle

Static Pages

Server side rendering

Dynamic page rendering


Single Page App

Bundling & Minifiction

Lazyloading & code spliting

Isomorphic App

(with node)


Where current web is heading..?


HTTP2 / H2

  • One TCP connection 
  • Streams are multiplexed and prioritised. 
  • Header Compression (HPACK)
  • Binary framing layer
    • Prioritisation
    • Flow Control
    • Server push


Service Worker

  • A service worker that is run by browser in background, separate from browser
  • It don't have access to DOM
  • It helps in offline caching
  • Can take control over http request
  • Only works in https environment


Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

  • Faster page load
  • One click away from accessing content.
  • Smooth animation and navigation.
  • Re-engages with push notification.
  • Good experience over flack internet connection
  • Consistent experience across browsers.
  • Eg. Forbes, flipkart, olx, pinterest, trivago, etc.


Web Component

  • HTML and DOM specifications that allow for the creation of reusable widgets or components in web documents and web applications
  • Main reason is to bring component based design engineering


Web Assembly


  • WebAssembly is a new type of code that can be run in modern web browsers.
  • it provides a way to run code written in multiple languages on the web at near native speed, with client apps running on the web that previously couldn’t have done so.



+  HTTP2

+  Service Worker

+  Web Components

+  WebAssembly

+ Micro frontend

+  etc...



Q & A



  • http://wiki.c2.com/?ModelViewControllerHistory
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer
  • https://medium.freecodecamp.org/bd5c786b340d
  • https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS20/history.html
  • ​http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/starthere/historyofhtml.html
  • http://royal.pingdom.com/2007/12/07/a-history-of-the-dynamic-web/
  • http://blog.sqlizer.io/posts/json-history/
  • https://thehistoryoftheweb.com/the-story-of-flash/
  • https://www.demacmedia.com/css3-animation/
  • http://adaptivepath.org/ideas/ajax-new-approach-web-applications/
  • https://medium.com/capital-one-tech/why-everyone-is-talking-about-isomorphic-universal-javascript-and-why-it-matters-38c07c87905


Evolution of web and where is it heading?

By Pankaj Parkar

Evolution of web and where is it heading?

This session will cover how web evolved over a time. Also it briefs about what are the major factors that considered as bottlenecks and how it got addressed by various techniques in the evolution journey.

  • 1,101