Higher Order Components in Angular

Slides Reference: bit.ly/ng-hoc

What we can do with Angular (v8)?

  • Can write isolated component and use them across
  • Add directive wherever additional behaviour needed 
  • Meta programming upto some extent
    • Loading module lazily
    • Loading component lazily.
  • Content projection
  • Add animations.


Angular V9

  • Ivy have arrived and added lot of things
    • Optimisation
    • Small footprint
    • etc.
  • Additionally ivy allowed to do meta programming
    • Dynamically component rendering
    • Higher Order Component


Pankaj P. Parkar

Senior Software Engineer, Deskera

  • MS MVP

  • Angular GDE

  • Opensource Maintainer

  • Stackoverflow Topuser

About Me!


We're going to use private API's here

In angular private API name generally starts with θ (Theta)


What is dynamic Component loading?

Load component on-demand whenever needed and render it onto the DOM

<button (click)="loadComponent()">Load Lazy Component</button> 
loadComponent() {
  .then(({LazyLoadComponent}) => {
    ɵrenderComponent(LazyLoadComponent, {
      host: 'my-lazy-load-component'
<div class="cotent">
  Some other content

Higher Order Component

What 🤔?



Higher Order Functions

In javascript we have

  • map
  • filter
  • reduce

A higher-order function is a function that can take another function as an argument, or that returns a function as a result


function add (x, y) {
  return x + y

function addFive (x, addReference) {
  return addReference(x, 5)

addFive(10, add) // 15

Higher Order Function (eg.)


function add (x,y) {
  return x + y

function higherOrderFunction (x, callback) {
  return callback(x, 5)

higherOrderFunction(10, add)

Higher Order Function (eg.)


function add (x, y) {
  return x + y

function addFive (x, addReference) {
  return addReference(x, 5)

function addTen (x, addReference) {
  return addReference(x, 10)

function addTwenty (x, addReference) {
  return addReference(x, 20)

addFive(10, add) // 15
addTen(10, add) // 20
addTwenty(10, add) // 30

Higher Order Function (eg.)

function add (x, y) {
  return x + y

function makeAdder (x, addReference) {
  return function (y) {
    return addReference(x, y)

const addFive = makeAdder(5, add)
const addTen = makeAdder(10, add)
const addTwenty = makeAdder(20, add)

addFive(10) // 15
addTen(10) // 20
addTwenty(10) // 30

Higher Order Function (eg.)


function higherOrderFunction (callback) {
  return function () {
    return callback()

Higher Order Function (eg.)


Higher Order Component

const NewComponent = withTooltip(PageComponent);

Function takes an input as a component and generate another component


function withTooltip(componentRef) {
  // Attach events to show
  // Tooltip on hover
  return componentRef;




Ivy Working

export class PageComponent {
    constructor() {}
    ngOnInit() {}
PageComponent.ɵfac = function PageComponent_Factory(t) { 
    return new (t || PageComponent)();
PageComponent.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵdefineComponent({
    type: PageComponent, 
    selectors: [["app-pager"]],
    ngContentSelectors: _c0,
    template: function PageComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        i0.ɵɵelementStart(0, "header");
        i0.ɵɵtext(1, "Header is here");
    } },
    directives: [i1.PageComponent], 
    styles: ["[_nghost-%COMP%] {\n    display: flex;\n    justify-content: space-around;\n    flex-flow: column nowrap;\n    header {\n        height: 20px;\n    }\n    .section {\n        height: calc(100vh-40px);\n    }\n    footer {\n        height: 20px;\n    }\n}"] });
    (function () { i0.ɵsetClassMetadata(PageComponent, [{
        type: Component,
        args: [{
            selector: 'app-pager',
            templateUrl: './pager.component.html',
            styleUrls: ['./pager.component.scss']
    }], function () { return []; }, null); 
  selector: 'app-page',
  templateUrl: './page.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./page.component.scss']
export class PageComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {


How to create HOC in Angular?

Can be achieved using two Types

  • Decorator based
  • Function based



export class PageComponent {
  @Input() id: string;



export class PageComponent {
  @Input() pageName: string;

const PageWithRouter = withRouter(PageComponent)

const routes = [
  {path: 'page', component: PageComponent},
  {path: 'page/:id', component: PageWithRouter}


export function fadeIn() {
  return (cmpType) => {
    const originalFactory = cmpType.ɵfac;
    cmpType.ɵfac = (...args) => {
      const cmp = originalFactory(...args);



export function fadeIn(cmpType) {
  const originalFactory = cmpType.ɵfac;
  cmpType.ɵfac = (...args) => {



import { Component, OnInit,
	Injector, ElementRef, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { fadeIn } from '../hoc/decorators/animation/fadeIn';

  selector: 'app-page',
  templateUrl: './page.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./page.component.scss'],
export class PageComponent implements OnInit {

  @Input() test: string;

    private injector: Injector
  ) {}

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    console.log(this, 'After View INit')

  ngOnInit() {
    console.log('routeParams', this.test);
import { ElementRef, ɵComponentType, ɵComponentDef, INJECTOR, ɵɵdirectiveInject } from '@angular/core';
import { AnimationBuilder, query, style, stagger, animate } from '@angular/animations';
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash';

function _buildAnimation(builder) { ... }

export function fadeIn() {
  return (cmpType) => {
    const originalFactory = cmpType.ɵfac;
    cmpType.ɵfac = (...args) => {
      const cmp = originalFactory(...args);
      const originalAfterViewInit = cmp.afterViewInit;
      cmp.afterViewInit = function afterViewInit(...args) {
        if (originalAfterViewInit) {
          originalAfterViewInit.apply(this, ...args);
        const injector = this.injector;
        const el = injector.get(ElementRef);
        const builder = injector.get(AnimationBuilder);
        const animation = _buildAnimation(builder);
      return cmp;
    return cmpType;

function _buildAnimation(builder) {
  return builder.build([
    query('*', [
      style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(-50px)' }),
      stagger(100, [
          style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'none'



More use cases

  • withRoute - Pass parameters directly to component. 
  • withStore - Make available ngRx store inside comp.
  • withTooltip - On hover of component open tooltip
  • withPopover - On hover over on popover
  • withAnimation - different kind of animations 


Reuse HOC contained component (future)


const NewPageComponent = withSelector(
  declarations: [
  imports: [...],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],




Higher Order Components in Angular

By Pankaj Parkar

Higher Order Components in Angular

Higher order components in Angular

  • 3,527