Supercool Angular

Pankaj P. Parkar

Technical Lead Synerzip &

Trainer at Vision Academy

  • Microsoft MVP (3 times)

  • Opensource Contributor

  • For AngularJS number 1st expert user in India on Stackoverflow

  • For Angular 2+ number 2nd user in India on Stackoverflow

  • 1 lakh+ reputation on Stackoverflow Belongs to top 22nd technology person in India. 


About Me

Stack Overflow Contribution


What is Computer?

  • Machine that accepts a data, and process that data in some procedural manner to produce required output.
  • Example - Calculator device.
  • Later 60's Steve jobs invented macintosh and first GUI (Graphical User Interface)

What is Technology?






  • Technology Keeps on evolving
  • Everything is happening on Internet
  • Example: - Cashless, Netbanking, etc.

About Current Syllabus

  • Do you think your current syllabus is way old?
  • Is it gonna help you in professional world?
  • Yes, it is old. But its mandatory to learn the basics

Client & Server

  • Desktop Browser
  • Mobile Browser 
  • Machine (Computer)


Languages Used

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • C#
  • Java
  • Nodejs
  • Python
  • etc.


  • Angular is Client side scripting language
  • Thoroughly written in Microsoft's Typescript
  • Developed by Google
  • Large community support
  • Continuously evolving 
  • Always adapted to new Web Standard quickly
  • Google uses Angular internally on 600+ projects

Angular Features

  • Superfast on Client Browser than any other JS framework
  • Angular is platform Independant
  • Two way binding, internationalisation, routing, etc come out of the box.
  • Command line tools are there to generate ready made scaffold (code skeleton) 

Angular Famous For

  • Angular is used to build Large scale Enterprise Application
  • Extensively used at different countries
  • Famous for Single Page Application (SPA) model

Angular Questions on SO




Pankaj Parkar

Email  :

Phone : 9029587096

Anilkumar Gopalkrishnan

Email :

Phone : 9619555776

Vision Academy

Supercool Angular

By Pankaj Parkar

Supercool Angular

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