Leading a Startup in Mobile Business

Save time by avoiding mistakes

No magic formulas

to become millionaire

The Mission

  • Be a better Startup Founder
  • What it means to be an entrepreneur
  • Goals definition
  • Step by step solutions
  • Resources and Priorities

Bonus lectures

  • Building a technical team
  • The importance of mentors and advisors

The most important resource is TIME

Thank you!

About the IDEA

"Every good business starts with a good idea.
This is one of the basic rule of success."

Common reasons for failure

A good idea is not enough

"Don't marry your idea, date it.
Fall in love with your passions."
  • Be passionate
  • Be yourself
  • Enjoy
  • Be Happy

Like love, an idea needs validation.

Is it worth all your life?

Why good ideas fail?

  • Competitors
  • Wrong timing
  • External factors
  • Business execution

Nobody pays for it!

Who are we?

Thank you!

Being a Startup Entrepreneur

What does it mean?

Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?

No right answers

Wrong reasons

I want to be my own boss

  • you are the worst boss
  • you cannot lie or escape
  • there will always be boring stuff
  • who's responsible?

Because I don't want to do boring stuff

I want to make a lot of money

  • years before breakeven
  • risks vs benefits
  • working tons of hours per day

I want more free time

  • No more personal life
  • Once again: who's responsible?

I lost my job

  • Economic issues
  • Money (eventually) is only the last step

...more an more...

  • Hard job
  • Mistakes
  • Depression

Requires passion

  • Reaching goals
  • Winning challenges
  • Continuous learning
  • Be Happy!

Thank you!

The long journey

The mission of an entrepreneur

Some Literature

"the first priority of a founder of a company is to find Product/Market Fit"
Marc Andreessen:
"Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market."
Sean Ellis:
"Product/market fit is precondition for effectively scaling marketing for a company"
Steve Blank:
"Product/market fit is a step in between customer validation and customer creation"
Alexander Osterwalder:
"Product/market fit is when the entire business canvas is fixed without requiring additional pivots"

My personal position

  • The market wants our product
  • (enough) customers pay for it
  • clear value proposition
  • clear process from production to distribution
  • advantages against competitors
  • well defined revenue formula 

We found the Product/Market fit when: 

Learning in every step

Let's make it simpler

Stages of a Startup

1st mission: Problem / Solution fit

Problem / Solution fit

  • Talk to people
  • A problem worths solving
  • Viable solution
  • Someone willing to pay for it

Before running out of resources


  • Literature sources
  • Compare theory with real scenarios

Thank you!

Resources optimization

Where to put the most of my money/effort/resources?


Our 1st mission is to find Problem / Solution fit

before running out of resources

  • I have THIS PRODUCT idea
  • I have THIS amount of MONEY
  • I want to build it in THIS TIME

"How can I use my resources?"

Step 1: Define your victory

I want 1000 users of my product before 6 months

Step 2: Define the worst case

I'll give up if I have less than 300 users in the next 9 months

Step 3: Make it measurable

Track results at any time

Reference APP Idea

2-sided Marketplace for wellness services

Concrete example

  • Common scenario
  • Most common topics from discovery to MVP
  • Reference case study

Thank you!

How to spend money in a reasonable way?

Numerical example

  • 30k dollars
  • Victory: 1000 users in 6 months
  • Give up point: < 300 users in 9 months

Test case: Wellness Marketplace App

Development and Marketing

Finding the right balance

Common mistakes

  • invest the most in product development
  • go to market
  • not enough money to promote
  • run out of money before validate


Development 1:2 Marketing/Sales

  • Development budget: 10k $
  • Marketing/Sales budget: 20k $

Assumption: spend at least twice the amount of product development in marketing

Thank you!

The most important resource:


Section summary

  • Idea
  • who we are
  • our mission
  • our GOALS
  • our Budget

Find our GOAL,

BEFORE running out of money.

  • validate our assumptions
  • shortest time possible
  • minimize our problems
  • find a valid solution

Run Forrest, run!

  • make mistakes
  • fail fast
  • learn
  • change
  • succeed

Thank you!

How to build a tech team for a startup?

without technical knowledge

The answer is: it depends.

Where we are?

Main approaches

  • find a tech co-founder
  • find an external team


  • help in technical decisions
  • guide the development
  • investors
  • cost
  • hard to find
  • oversizing complexity


Tech expert co-founder

Second stage after validating proposition

Focus 100%


  • Cost
  • On demand
  • No maintenance
  • No in-house knowledge
  • hard lock-in
  • unknown results
  • hard to make changes


External team

Very early stage

Reduce the time to go to market

Thank you!

The importance of a mentor / advisor

Save your TIME


Problem / Solution fit

  • Find a problem worths solving
  • Discover a viable solution
  • Validate before running out of resources


  • Where the customer is?
  • What he or she is paying?

Customer Discovery

we still don't know what the product is

Expert's Advantages

  • Right solution at current stage
  • Help to take tech decision
  • On demand

Bonus: in a later stage can be a right co-founder


  • different point of view
  • learning faster

Once again: the most important resource you have is TIME.

Thank you!

Driving a Mobile Startup Business

By Paolo Mosca

Driving a Mobile Startup Business

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