
The right ingredients


  • it's the freshest cocktail

  • it has the perfect coloring

  • ...and the best taste

  • if you drink it, you look more like a pirate!



  • not fresh

  • not the perfect coloring

  • not the best taste

  • you definitely look like a pirate!

How to make the perfect cocktail?

Aurelia’s biggest disadvantage in the market is an obvious and unfixable one. No one uses it. Searches for various frameworks on Google Trends show Aurelia’s popularity static as well as very low.

TypeScript is another odd choice. How many JS developers actually know TypeScript, compared to JS? Very few. Why not write in the language they already know instead of forcing them to jump through hoops, if not reducing your employee talent pool?

What the hell is a $scope, anyway? And what is a directive? What does transclusion actually mean? Meaningless terms that Angular has created.

The problem is that React itself doesn’t actually solve any real problem. It’s not a framework. It’s just a library..




Good information




time to spare


Douglas Crockford

Kyle Simpsons

Zeno Rocha

Do we use a framework?


Do we use a framework?


Do we use a framework?

Same goes for:

Other toppings :)

Thank you




Save the mojito! :)

The right ingredients - first draft

By Paul Hp

The right ingredients - first draft

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