NeuroOn Open

open hardware sleep mask

Hackaday Unconference LA 2017

CC-BY Pawel 'alxd' Chojnacki


open source & science

Warsaw, Poland

not affiliated with Intelclinic

December 2013

Polyphasic sleep (6 hours a day!)

Artificial intelligence!

No working prototype shown

No research / whitepapers

I started a blog just to debunk them:

3 dry electrodes too few for a valuable EEG

no details on algorithms beyond "AI"

no specifics, only buzzwords

raw signal access costs extra $450

Other specialists claimed:

polyphasic sleep not accessible to everybody

lucid dreaming either

When the masks hit the market I asked for a test unit

I conducted a professional experiment in a hospital lab

Compared NeuroOn signal and sleep staging with medical-grade polysomnograph

All signals and analysis are available on my blog within
Open Notebook philosophy

The analysis was co-created with a local
National Academy of Sciences researcher
and is available as Jupyter Notebook

The total NeuroOn accuracy with their in-house, closed algorithms was estimated as roughly 65% as compared
to a polysomnograph

There was however a big surprise...

NeuroOn raw signal is surprisingly good!

Delta power analysis - note distinctively specific bands for BOTH the polysomnograph and NeuroOn

NeuroOn could be useful not only for Quantified Self enthusiasts, but also research teams, offering very low cost sleep analytics for big population experiments!

It does possess medical safety certification, which should actually allow researchers
to use it

At the beginning of this year,
the company behind the NeuroOn
asked me for help in open-sourcing their mask

They would like to open
the hardware
the firmware
the software

used to connect the mask to a computer and conduct sleep staging locally

If everything goes well, there may even be a way to connect it to the OpenBCI ecosystem, allowing all existing programs written for this platform to seamlessly run on NeuroOn!

With all the programs already written for the OpenBCI platform and NeuroOn's simplicity we could finally have open hardware EEG devices for the masses!

Photo CC-BY-NC Rain Rabbit

This slide is copyrighted by Intelclinic and should not be reproduced

Right now the company is working on choosing the licenses and finalizing the legal documents, but is committed to the cause.

Intelclinic has just got over 1.6 million EUR
(1.7 million USD) grant from Horizon 2020 program for pursuing new NeuroOn-family medical-level sleep analysis devices.

They are interested in open sourcing
their new projects from the start

If you're interested in helping to open source the NeuroOn mask, please contact me at:

Intelclinic should have some free masks / PCBs
available for the first several people willing to help
​and their hackerspaces :)

Hackaday Unconference LA: NeuroOn

By Pawel Ngei

Hackaday Unconference LA: NeuroOn

8-minute talk given at a Hackaday Unconference in Los Angeles, on 18 march 2017 -

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