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  • How to track user behaviors?

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Welcome to

Google Tag Manger

Google Tag Manager

Silicon Straits Saigon

Trần Văn Phát - Apollo

Parcel Perform


  • What, Why & How?
  • Setup Container
  • Tags
  • Triggers
  • Variables
  • Preview & Publish
  • Google Analytics
  • Read More
  • Question Time

What is

Google Tag Manager?

  • Is a tag management system that allows you to quickly and easily update tags and code snippets on your website or mobile app, such as those intended for traffic analysis and marketing optimization.
  • Can add and update AdWords, Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics, Floodlight, and 3rd party or custom tags from the Tag Manager user interface instead of editing site code.
  • This reduces errors and frees you from having to involve a developer when configuring tags.


  • Measure traffic
  • Optimize online marketing
  • Add and update tags: conversion tracking, site analytics, remarketing and more
  • Pre-defined tags with a few clicks, custom tags with easy coding setup
  • All-in-one tag manager, deploy tags quickly

How it works?

  • Tag Manager for web works via its own container tag that you place on all your website pages. For mobile, Tag Manager is deployed in conjunction with the Firebase SDK, with support for Android and iOS.
  • The container replaces all other manually-coded tags on your site or app, including tags from AdWords, Google Analytics, Floodlight, and 3rd party tags. (See a list of supported tags.)
  • Once the Tag Manager container tag has been added to your site or app, you update, add, and administer additional tags right from the Tag Manager web application.

Setup Container

Google's Tutorial

Setup Account

Setup Container

Install Google Tag Manager

Key Concepts


  • Definition
  • Choose Product
  • Choose a Tag Type
  • Configure Tag
  • Fire On


  • A tag is a snippet of code, can serve a variety of uses, but most of the tags used in Google Tag Manager are designed to that sends information to a third party, such as Google.

  • Triggers define when tags should fire.

Choose Product

Choose a Tag Type

Configure Tag

Fire On

Parcel Monitor example


  • Definition
  • Choose Event
  • Configure Trigger
  • Fire On
  • Custom Triggers


  • Triggers attached to a tag govern when the tag is fired or not fired. A tag must have at least one trigger in order to fire.

  • A trigger is composed of one event and one or more filters. Each filter takes the form:
    [Variable] [Operator] [Value]

Choose Event

Configure Trigger

Fire On

Parcel Monitor example

Custom Trigger

Parcel Monitor Example


  • Definition
  • Built-In Variables
  • User-Defined Variables (e.g. Data Layer)


  • Variables are name-value pairs for which the value is populated during runtime.
  • In triggers, they are used to define filters that specify when a particular should be executed.
  • In tags, variables are used to capture dynamic values.

Build-In Variables

User-Defined Variables

Data Layer Variable

  • The value is set to value when the following code on your website is executed:
  'Data Layer Name': 'value'

Parcel Monitor example

Preview & Publish

  • Overview (Dashboard)
  • Preview
  • Publish
  • Versions






(Parcel Monitor)

Google Analytics

Read More:

Question Time

Thank you :)

Saigon Silicon Straits - June 27th , 2016

Google Tag Manager

By Phat Tran

Google Tag Manager

Short introduction to Google Tag Manager

  • 383