Common Job Titles

in Software Companies

Phat Tran -

Sourcing strategies*

Outsource & In-house

* most common


  • provides services out to other companies
  • clients own the product
  • examples:
    • FPT Software
    • TMA Solutions
    • KMS Technology


  • in-house develops within the organization
  • organization owns the product
  • examples:
    • VinGroup
    • VNG Corporation
    • Viettel

Company Types*

Corporate & Startup

* most common

Corporate (Enterprise)

  • standards = formalized processes
  • well-established = stable environment
  • wide range of products or services
  • examples:
    • Viettel Group
    • Petrovietnam (PVN)
    • VinGroup


  • innovative = something new
  • rapid growth = dynamic environment
  • unique products or services
  • examples:
    • VNG Corporation
    • MoMo
    • Tiki

Culture & Diversity

Domestic & International


  • operates in 1 country or region
  • employees are mostly from the same country
  • uses local language
  • more assumptions
  • examples:
    • FPT Software
    • VNG Corporation
    • TMA Solutions


  • operates in multiple countries
  • employees are from multiple countries
  • uses English at work
  • less assumptions
  • examples:
    • Google
    • Apple
    • Amazon

Development Styles*

Waterfall & Agile

* most common


  • linear and sequential process
  • each phase must be completed before the next begins
  • less adaptable to changes during development
  • meetings: project kickoff, phase review, final review
  • when to use: fixed requirements & resources


  • iterative and incremental process
  • emphasizes flexibility and continuous improvement
  • allows for frequent reassessment and adjustment
  • meetings: daily standup, sprint planning, sprint retro
  • when to use: changing requirements & rollup releases

Team Structures*

Generalists & Specialists

* most common

Job Titles*

by Department

* most common


  • engineers = write code
  • Frontend Engineer: implements user interface
  • Backend Engineer: implements business logic & data
  • Fullstack Engineer: both Frontend & Backend
  • QA Engineer: finds bugs and makes sure tests pass
  • DevOps Engineer: manages deployments & monitors


  • design = what the product should look & feel like
  • UI Designer: designs look and feel
  • UX Designer: makes sure users use the UI
  • UI/UX Designer: both UI & UX
  • Product Designer: UI/UX Designer + Product Owner

Field of design

Field of design


  • marketing = tells the market about the product
  • depends on the market & go-to-market strategy
  • examples:
    • Social Media Manager
    • Influencer
    • Digital Marketer
    • Growth Hacker


  • sales = aquisition = collect money
  • Account Manager: manages relationships
  • Sales Development Representative: generates & qualify leads

Customer Support

  • customer support = retention = life-time value
  • Customer Success Manager: assists the users to be successful using the product
  • Technical Support: answers more technical topics

Other Departments

  • HR: hiring
  • Finance: cash flows
  • Legal: law

Job Titles*

in Software Engineering

* most common

Frontend Engineering

  • Web Engineer: builds browser apps
  • Mobile Engineer: build native iOS & Android apps
  • Cross-platform Engineer: Web + Mobile

Backend Engineering

  • Backend Engineer: maintains server-side logic

Data Engineering

  • Data Analyst: makes sense of data using visualization
  • Data Engineer: builds data pipelines
  • Analytics Engineer: Data Analyst + Data Engineer
  • Data Scientist: builds data models & machine learning

Test Engineering

  • QA Engineer: automates test plans
  • Performance Test Engineer: tests the system under high load

System Engineering

  • DevOps Engineers: automates workflows
  • Site Reliability Engineer: ensures the system is reliable and metrics are healthy

Management & Leadership

  • Architect: designs the whole system
  • Tech Lead: makes technical decisions
  • Engineering Manager: manages engineers
  • Director of Engineering: manages EMs
  • Vice President of Engineering: manages Directors
  • Chief Technology Officier: aligns technology strategy & decisions with C-suite


  • Security Engineering: protects the system from attacks
  • Database Administrator: manages database performance
  • Embedded Engineer: connects softwares and hardware using embedded systems
  • Internet of Things Engineers: connects hardware devices over the internet

How to screen CVs

It depends on all the topics mentioned

Do ✅

  • layout: easy to scan
  • content: succint & specific
  • impact: proven metrics
  • experience:
    • junior: potential
    • senior: impact
  • good-to-haves:
    • portfolio & side projects
    • fluent in many languages
    • higher education
    • non-technical activities

Don't ❌

  • layout: no structure
  • content: lengthy & generic
  • impact: generic
  • experience:
    • junior: no potential
    • senior: no impact
  • red-flags:
    • talk about the product
    • talk tabout the team
    • no standing out impact
    • generic like others

Examples (offline)

How to interview

Check the candidate is a good fit

Do ✅

  • language: clear & fluent
  • natural storyteller
  • handle situations calmly
  • give specific answers
  • consistent with CV
  • acknowledge shortcomings
  • ask great questions

Don't ❌

  • language: choppy & undecided
  • passively answer questions
  • give dishonest answers
  • give generic answers
  • inconsistent with CV
  • act like knowing everything
  • "i have nothing to say"


Will AI replace me?

if you ask this question, most probably the answer is yes


Junior vs Senior?

Common Job Titles in Software Companies

By Phat Tran

Common Job Titles in Software Companies

  • 65