Following the Trail of the
Henry Hayden Civil War Diary 
    Petersburg, Virginia, 1864 to Cedaredge, Colorado, 2014
Surface Creek Valley Historical Society
Cedaredge, Colorado

For  Henry  Hayden  and  Alexander Davidson

Phil Ellsworth, January 1, 2015

Following the Trail of the Henry Hayden Civil War Diary from Petersburg, Virginia, 1864 to Cedaredge, Colorado, 2014 Surface Creek Valley Historical Society Cedaredge, Colorado For  Henry  Hayden  and  Alexander Davidson Phil Ellsworth, January 1, 2015

Following the Trail of the Henry Hayden Civil War Diary from Petersburg, Virginia, 1864 to Cedaredge, Colorado, 2014

By philellsworth

Following the Trail of the Henry Hayden Civil War Diary from Petersburg, Virginia, 1864 to Cedaredge, Colorado, 2014

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