Compojure API

What is it?

An attempt to unify things you need around a web api

  • Uses compojure's api syntax 
  • Integrates with prismatic/Schema for route validation
  • Adds swagger integration for api docs
  • Lots of "bonus" features such as bi-directional routing, resources, etc


Because of all this the dependency tree is LARGE

lein deps :tree

Let's jump into a demo and take a look

This will give us some context for the rest of our slides.


Screen Shots (if issues)

Routes have descriptions and schemas.

Screen Shots (if issues)

App setup and UI descriptions

Screen Shots (if issues)

What is Compojure?

A routing library, one of the most popular downloaded libraries for all of Clojure

  • Compojure's routing is somewhat difficult to extend due to macros
  • Compojure-API creates a layer on top of compojure with a compatible route API so that routes created in compojure will run in compojure-api
  • Compojure-API adds meta-data

What is Prismatic/Schema?

A library for declarative data description and Validation

(def Data
  "A schema for a nested data type"
  {:a {:b s/Str
       :c s/Int}
   :d [{:e s/Keyword
        :f [s/Num]}]})

What problem is Schema solving?

  • We're not trying to reinvent WSDLs or other sadness
  • Common (what I think is) an anti-pattern
 (POST "/foo/:bar" {:keys [body params]}
   (foobar/foo (merge params (walk/keywordize-keys body)))
   {:status 200})


or **kwargs if you're a python guy
  • Understanding what is being passed becomes a multi-project grep game.

What is Swagger?

  • Extremely popular library for API design, takes into account both UI documentation and code generation
  • Not specifically Clj, but it's nice to use someone's popular battle tested library sometimes
  • TONS of tooling, docs, examples, projects, etc
  • Apache2 license

How do these fit together?

  • Start with a route
  • Add schema information to it
  • Schema information will be applied to the route to validate it
  • Schema information will drive the generation of the swagger UI



  • You can do this a route at a time, no major rewrites!
  • Simply don't add schema to a route, it won't get validated and you can use :middleware key to use old middleware in case compojure API's middleware doesn't work with the old route (extremely likely)


  • Compojure-API has A LOT of middleware, and it may be applied both before your custom middleware on inbound requests and then after your customer middleware on outbound replies
  • Carefully test error cases including things like incorrect/missing content type headers, these error cases may not conform to your route schemas and create a validation error that hides the issue (or result in no reply at all). 


    (let [app (build-app)
          req (api-request :post "/v1/bar?req-id=tako" {:totalTxBytes 10
                                                        :planId "4123EF"
                                                        :rxPercentage 98.02})
          resp (app req)]
      (is (= 200 (:status resp))))



Compojure API

By Philip Doctor

Compojure API

  • 1,682