The Future of Chicago Clojure

State of Clojure 2015

What do other meetups do?

  • At Chicago Python they ask "How many people have found jobs through this group?" and ~80% of the room raises their hands
  • Any communication is screened and relevant (i.e. only Clojure jobs that are in Chicago or 100% remote)
  • Funding from recruiters can be used to help the group.

Funding? Why?

  • Phil is not doing this for a paycheck, that is not the goal.
  • I out of pocket pay for all meetup expenses 
  • Food/drinks depending on the host
  • Videographer?
  • Conference?
  • tldr: "Nicer things"

Your Meetup, Your Input

  • Fill out the feedback form
  • Write on it if you want
  • Email me if you want:

Future of Chicago Clojure

By Philip Doctor

Future of Chicago Clojure

  • 1,326