Leveraging Opscenter to make Cassandra Easy
Full disclosure about me
- I work for Datastax, but this is not an official Datastax talk
- I've talked about tons of different frameworks and libraries over the years without being a sales pitch
- I do think opscenter is pretty awesome
What is Opscenter?
- Provisioning tool
- Monitoring and Alerting tool
- Simplifies many cassandra operations
- Works with both DSE and DSC (although some features are DSE only)
- Swiss army knife for Ops teams
How to get started?
- Part of datastax Sandbox http://www.datastax.com/download#dl-sandbox
- Tarball install http://www.datastax.com/download#dl-opscenter
- Package install (yum/apt-get)
- Once running goto http://localhost:8888/ (or whatever your hostname is)
Manage Existing Cluster
- Possible to provision new as well, but most people trying this will probably have a cluster
- Pick a cassandra node to connect to (same criteria as a seed node)
- If using non-standard rpc/thrift ports, specify them.
Depending on your cluster configuration, you may need to extend the timeout:
add_cluster_timeout = 30
- Right now we have basic ring topology
- To get detailed information we need to install agents
- The Fix link at the top of the screen will install agents for us
- Agents have a small memory and cpu footprint, they are installed on each cassandra node and communicate with that node via JMX
- Much of the heavy lifting is pushed to the Opscenter server
The High Level
Trouble shooting Installation
- Opscenter to cassandra? cqlsh host port
- Opscenter to agent? curl -i host:61621/alive
- Agent to cassandra? jconsole/jmxterm/etc
- Agent/Opsc Stomp? (check logs)
- Set logging to debug http://www.datastax.com/documentation/opscenter/5.0/opsc/configure/opscConfigLogging.html
- Check permissions
- Bounce Opscenterd
Node Operations
- These are the kinds of operations you can also accomplish using nodetool
- Select a node from the ring view to bring up details, then issue an action
- In DSE it is possible to have a bulk action (although we document our API and you could script your own)
- (api docs https://www.datastax.com/documentation/opscenter/5.0/api/docs/index.html)
Cluster Operations
- Cassandra Config!
- Add nodes
- Restart
- Rebalance
- https://gist.github.com/philipsdoctor/5a34dfcfd1fe1f5c6d39
- Create custom dashboards
- Add graphs
- DSE allows user specific graphs
DSE Only
- Best Practice Services
- Backup/Restore
- Repair
- Repair reading
- http://www.datastax.com/documentation/opscenter/5.0/opsc/online_help/services/repairServiceErrors.html
- http://www.datastax.com/documentation/opscenter/5.0/opsc/online_help/services/repairServiceHowItWorks.html
- Opscenter docs http://www.datastax.com/documentation/opscenter/5.0/opsc/about_c.html
- Ports http://www.datastax.com/documentation/opscenter/5.0/opsc/reference/opscPorts_r.html
- Advanced Config
- http://www.datastax.com/documentation/opscenter/5.0/opsc/configure/opscConfigProps_r.html
By Philip Doctor
- 1,824