Storm in the Wild

What is it?

  • Realtime Computation System
  • Distributed
  • Fault tolerant
  • Can be used with any language

Lambda Architecture

Speed Layer
Serving Layer
Batch Layer

My Life Before Storm

Things I spent my time doing...

  • Standing up Message Queues and Services
  • Fiddling with config between queues and services
  • Writing endless monitors for queues and services
  • Writing endless automated or manual recovery processes when queues/services failed
  • Devising elaborate plans for message tracking through the system
  • Building great integration environments to actually tests all of this in
  • Creating deployment plans
  • (sometimes writing the actual business logic I needed .....)

Things Storm Does For Me

  • Manages messaging between bolts
  • Manages bolt health
  • Manages deployments
  • Tracks messages, can guarantee reliable processing
  • Easy to run locally

Let's Contrive an Example!


Enough Talking Phil, I demand Code Now


Storm's inherent parallelism means it can process very high throughputs of messages with very low latency.  Storm was benchmarked at processing one million 100 byte messages per second per node on the following hardware:
  • Processor: 2x Intel ES645@2.4Ghz
  • Memory: 24 GB

-Storm Documentation

Other Things to do with Storm...

  • DRPC
  • Trident (Marceline)

Storm in the Wild

By Philip Doctor

Storm in the Wild

  • 1,477