The ad hoc c* clj talk

The Driver

  • Most clojure drivers for c* are wrapping Java drivers
  • I recommend using one that wraps the DataStax Java Driver
  • Good options are Cassaforte and Alia
  • I'll be walking through Cassaforte
  • Helpful sometimes to reference the java driver


What they show

  (:require [clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as cc]))

;; Will connect to localhost
(cc/connect [""])


(def cconnection (atom nil))
(def current-keyspace (atom nil)) 

(defn rebuild-connection []
  (let [{:keys [seed-list cassandra-user cassandra-pass]} (conf/get-cassandra-conf)]
    (reset! cconnection
            (apply cc/connect
                   (if cassandra-user
                     [seed-list {:credentials 
                                  {:username cassandra-user :password cassandra-pass}}]
    (reset! current-keyspace nil)))

(defn get-connection
  "Gets existing connection or creates a new one."
  [& [optional-keyspace & _]]
  (when-not @cconnection
    (locking cconnection
      (when-not @cconnection
  (when optional-keyspace
    (when (not= @current-keyspace optional-keyspace)
      (cql/use-keyspace @cconnection :my_data)))

What to do with state?  This works but it's ugly


Way better ways?

  • Manage lifecyle with something like componet
  • Compose functions rather than relying on global state
  • Dodge locks with mechanisms like core.async
  • ~DO NOT~ just swap! an atom, resource leaks/etc 


  • Clojure DSL for CQL
  • Both Cassaforte and Alia use this 
(:require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as cc]
(:require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.cql    :as cql])

(def conn (cc/connect [""])

(cql/insert conn "test_data" {:data_id (int 42) :data_item "The Ultimate Answer"}))


(cql/insert conn "test_data" {:data_id (int 42) :data_item "The Ultimate Answer"}))

(use '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.query])

(cql/select conn "test_data" (where [[= :data_id (int 42)]]))

More Fun Stuff

  • Use clj to launch ccm for repl/integration testing 
  • A better demo than I have can be found here 
  • Learn more about Cassandra at Datastax Academy for free 

The Slacker Ad Hoc c* clojure talk

By Philip Doctor

The Slacker Ad Hoc c* clojure talk

This was thrown together in a few minutes to fill in for a last minute speaker cancellation, don't judge this one please.

  • 1,374