Internet's Relay Chat!

Phil math

World of FOSS!
- Community
- Their Trust
- Continuous contribution
Any act of transferring messages and ideas.
With communication we build trust and convey our ideas.
With trust, we can collaborate better.
By understanding each other, we collaborate better and improve the community contribution.

Is that all?
IRC Clients...

Freenode on Web!
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is an application layer protocol that facilitates communication in the form of text. The chat process works on a client/server networking model. IRC clients are computer programs that a user can install on their system. These clients communicate with chat servers to transfer messages to other clients.
IRC is a Protocol
In telecommunication, a communication protocol is a system of rules that allow two or more entities of a communications system to transmit information via any kind of variation of a physical quantity. The protocol defines the rules syntax, semantics and BLAH BLAH!
You have know them...
- ...

These are the computers, we are connected with actually, rather than each other and all the messages are saved there.
- Freenode
- Mozilla
- Ping is a utility software to check the connection between 2 remote computers.
- In our case, it is us(client) and freenode(server).
Ping of death... The reason you might disconnect from your server.
Why use IRC?
- Because everyone's here.
- In FOSS world, most of the upstream project communication are done on IRC.
- Plus, it can work flawlessly on low-bandwidth internet unlike most of the available alternatives.
- And the best part, it is Opensource at its heart, which makes it more awesome.
- Habit
- Asthetics
- Don't store messages
- Lack of Features!
- Privacy!
- Try it
- Reformat it
- Try Bouncers
- Use Custom Plugins
- Coming soon...
Be Safe!
Internet is a harsh place to live in.
Invisible cloak!
- Over IRC, user's IP address is visible to all.
- And we all know how important are IP can be.
- And If you are paranoid like me, you should consider hiding your IP.

Another protocol based on OSS
Riot, weechat supports Matrix.
Why Matrix?
Because you can bridge the gap between all of your messaging app using matrix.
Designed to allow users with accounts at one communications service provider to communicate with users of a different service.
Signal me!

- Another messaging client that focuses more on your privacy and encryption.
- An OSS product.
- Encrypted mode of communication for your privacy.
- Uses Signal Protocol.
- Open Whispers Systems product.
Wanna dive in?
Let's get started!
- Open Internet
- Search for IRC clients and download any of them.
- Find an instructable page on "How to use irc"
- And you are on...
IRC bot!
- We can also write bots for IRC to manage groups and bridging the gap over other apps like Telegram.
- Using simple sockets in any programming language.
- Search Internet for it, and the options will flood you :P
Word of Advice!
- Register your nick.
- Set up a cloak or bouncer.
- Follow etiquettes over IRC and don't use messaging language.
- Be patient for someone to answer your doubts.
Wondering where to go?
- Say "Hi" to us all at:
- #dgplug on liberachat (Say "#hello", our bot batul will reply)
- #learnandteach on liberachat
- and so on...
- Robin Schubert (schubisu)
- TK Sourabh
- Sanyam Khurana (CuriousLearner)
That's All!
Copy of IRC
By Mohit Bansal
Copy of IRC
IRC is one of the oldest communication protocol still used by many developers and open source communities. This talk will be an introduction to how this protocol works in most general way.
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