
@ auxmoney

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if lte IE 8]>      <html lang="{{ lang }}" class="no-js lt-ie10 lt-ie9"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 9]>          <html lang="{{ lang }}" class="no-js lt-ie10"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 9]><!-->  <html lang="{{ lang }}" class="no-js"> <!--<![endif]-->

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimal-ui">

    <!--[if lte IE 8]>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/auxmoneymain/css/main-responsive-fallback.css') }}">
    <!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
        <link rel="stylesheet" data-is-responsive="true" href="{{ asset('bundles/auxmoneymain/css/main-responsive.css') }}">
    <script src="{{ asset('External/js/modernizr.custom.min.js') }}"></script>
    <script src="{{ asset('External/js/picturefill.min.js') }}" async></script>

    <header class="mainHeader">


    <div class="wrapper">
        <h1 class="headline">{% block pageTitle %}{% endblock %}</h1>
        <main class="mainContent">
            {% block body %}
                <article class="pageType {% if block('sidebar') %}pageType-withSidebar{% endif %}">
                    <div class="pageType--main">
                        {% block mainContent %}
                            Main Content to be placed
                        {% endblock %}
                    {% if block('sidebar') %}
                        <aside class="pageType--sidebar">
                            {% block sidebar %}{% endblock %}
                    {% endif %}
            {% endblock %}

    {% block footer %}{% include 'AuxmoneyMainBundle:includes:footer.html.twig' %}{% endblock %}

@charset "UTF-8";

/* main-responsive.scss */

// compiling settings
$responsiveLayout: true;

// all partials necessary for classic layout
@import "main-imports-cl";
@charset "UTF-8";

/* main-responsive-fallback.scss */

// compiling settings
$responsiveLayout: true;
$mediaQuerySupport: false;

// all partials necessary for classic layout
@import "main-imports-cl";
@charset "UTF-8";

/* ------------------------------ */
/* ***** config ***** */
/* ------------------------------ */

// default variables 
// for different compiling settings
// default values go through 
// if value isn't set anywhere else

$responsiveLayout: false !default;
$mediaQuerySupport: true !default;
/* _global-mixins.scss */

@mixin aux-breakpoint($point1, $point2:0) {
    @if $mediaQuerySupport and $responsiveLayout {
        @if $point2 == 0 {
            @media screen and (min-width:$point1) {
        @else if $point2 == max {
            @media screen and (max-width:$point1 - 1px) {
        @else {
            @media screen and (min-width:$point1) and (max-width:$point2 - 1px) {
    @else {
        // only definitions with min-width are added for desktop layout
        @if $point2 == 0 {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ***** media query defaults ***** */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

$mq-xxsmall:      180px;
$mq-xsmall:       290px;
$mq-small:        360px;
$mq-smallMedium:  480px;
$mq-medium:       768px;
$mq-mediumLarge:  940px;
$mq-large:       1024px;

// special breakpoint: major switch of main navigation in layout + behaviour
$mq-mainNav: 650px;
// special breakpoint: width of website wrapper -> max width of website
$mq-wrapper: 1040px;
 * common.js

var AUX = {

    mqMainNav   : 'screen and (min-width: 650px)',
    mqMedium    : 'screen and (min-width: 768px)'

/* e.g. navigation.js */

if ( {
    // larger screens only
/* responsive images */


    <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]-->

    {# first matching source element will be used, so put large sizes with min-width first (reverse way as in CSS) #}
    <source srcset="logoWithClaim.svg" media="(min-width: 768px)">
    <source srcset="logoWithClaim_280.png" media="(min-width: 768px)">
    <source srcset="auxmoney-white.svg" media="(min-width: 160px)">

    <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]-->

    <img src="/bundles/auxmoneymain/images/logos/auxmoney-white_120.png" alt="logo">

<div class="grid">
    <div class="
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. 
    <div class="
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. 
@charset "UTF-8";

 * global grid styles

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ***** placeholders ***** */
/* USAGE: selector { @extend %placeholder; } */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ***** grid container ***** */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

.grid {
    // @include container(100%);
    @extend %clearfix;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ***** sub elements ***** */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

// base sizes (small displays)
@include with-layout(12 .75) { // 12 columns + 0.75% gutter width
    .grid--size1of2 { @include span(6); }
    .grid--size1of3 { @include span(4); }
    .grid--size2of3 { @include span(8); }
    .grid--size1of4 { @include span(3); }
    .grid--size3of4 { @include span(9); }

    // grid classes specific for mq-smallMedium size
    @include aux-breakpoint($mq-smallMedium) {
        .grid--smallMediumSize1of2 { @include span(6); }
        .grid--smallMediumSize1of3 { @include span(4); }
        .grid--smallMediumSize2of3 { @include span(8); }
        .grid--smallMediumSize1of4 { @include span(3); }
        .grid--smallMediumSize3of4 { @include span(9); }

// sizes dependant on different column contexts (when screensize ist wide enough)
// needed to have consistent grid over different page types + sizes
@include aux-breakpoint($mq-medium) {
    .grid-fullWidth {
        @include with-layout(36 2.5) { // 36 columns + 2.5% gutter width (needed to create all grid columns in template with sidebar)
            .grid--size1of2         { @include span(18); }
            .grid--size1of3         { @include span(12); }
            .grid--size2of3         { @include span(24); }
            .grid--size1of4         { @include span(9); }
            .grid--size3of4         { @include span(27); }
            .grid--size1of6         { @include span(6); }
            .grid--size1of12        { @include span(3); }
            // grid classes specific for mq-medium size
            // mustn't be defined together with above styles because of order / specificity
            .grid--mediumSize1of2   { @include span(18); }
            .grid--mediumSize1of3   { @include span(12); }
            .grid--mediumSize2of3   { @include span(24); }
            .grid--mediumSize1of4   { @include span(9); }
            .grid--mediumSize3of4   { @include span(27); }
            .grid--mediumSize1of6   { @include span(6); }
            .grid--mediumSize1of12  { @include span(3); }

    .pageType-withSidebar .pageType--main {
        @include with-layout(24 2.5) { // 24 columns + 2.5% gutter (add to 36 columns together with sidebar)
            .grid--size1of2         { @include span(12); }
            .grid--size1of3         { @include span(8); }
            .grid--size2of3         { @include span(16); }
            .grid--size1of4         { @include span(6); }
            .grid--size3of4         { @include span(18); }
            .grid--size1of6         { @include span(4); }
            .grid--size1of8         { @include span(3); }
            // grid classes specific for mq-medium size
            // mustn't be defined together with above styles because of order / specificity
            .grid--mediumSize1of2   { @include span(12); }
            .grid--mediumSize1of3   { @include span(8); }
            .grid--mediumSize2of3   { @include span(16); }
            .grid--mediumSize1of4   { @include span(6); }
            .grid--mediumSize3of4   { @include span(18); }
            .grid--mediumSize1of6   { @include span(4); }
            .grid--mediumSize1of8   { @include span(3); }

    .pageType--sidebar {
        @include with-layout(12 2.5) { // 12 columns + 2.5% gutter (add to 36 columns together with main content)
            .grid--size1of2         { @include span(6); }
            .grid--size1of3         { @include span(4); }
            .grid--size2of3         { @include span(8); }
            .grid--size1of4         { @include span(3); }
            .grid--size3of4         { @include span(9); }
            // grid classes specific for mq-medium size
            // mustn't be defined together with above styles because of order / specificity
            .grid--mediumSize1of2   { @include span(6); }
            .grid--mediumSize1of3   { @include span(4); }
            .grid--mediumSize2of3   { @include span(8); }
            .grid--mediumSize1of4   { @include span(3); }
            .grid--mediumSize3of4   { @include span(9); }

// grid classes specific for mq-large size
@include aux-breakpoint($mq-large) {
    .grid-fullWidth {
        @include with-layout(36 2.5) { // 36 columns + 2.5% gutter width (needed to create all grid columns in template with sidebar)
            .grid--largeSize1of2   { @include span(18); }
            .grid--largeSize1of3   { @include span(12); }
            .grid--largeSize2of3   { @include span(24); }
            .grid--largeSize1of4   { @include span(9); }
            .grid--largeSize3of4   { @include span(27); }
            .grid--largeSize1of6   { @include span(6); }
            .grid--largeSize1of12  { @include span(3); }

    .pageType-withSidebar .pageType--main {
        @include with-layout(24 2.5) { // 24 columns + 2.5% gutter (add to 36 columns together with sidebar)
            .grid--largeSize1of2   { @include span(12); }
            .grid--largeSize1of3   { @include span(8); }
            .grid--largeSize2of3   { @include span(16); }
            .grid--largeSize1of4   { @include span(6); }
            .grid--largeSize3of4   { @include span(18); }
            .grid--largeSize1of6   { @include span(4); }
            .grid--largeSize1of8   { @include span(3); }

    .pageType--sidebar {
        @include with-layout(12 2.5) { // 12 columns + 2.5% gutter (add to 36 columns together with main content)
            .grid--largeSize1of2   { @include span(6); }
            .grid--largeSize1of3   { @include span(4); }
            .grid--largeSize2of3   { @include span(8); }
            .grid--largeSize1of4   { @include span(3); }
            .grid--largeSize3of4   { @include span(9); }

// independant of context

.grid--sizeFull {
    @include full;

// can be used if only one element sits in a row, that is not full width
// specificity needed to work in all contexts
.grid--singleRow.grid--singleRow.grid--singleRow {
    float: none;

// defines last element in a row without margin to the right
// specificity needed to work in all contexts + containers
.grid--rowEnd.grid--rowEnd.grid--rowEnd {
    margin-right: 0;
// only for medium size (if in large size there mustn't be a rowEnd)
@include aux-breakpoint($mq-medium, $mq-large) {
    .grid--mediumRowEnd.grid--mediumRowEnd.grid--mediumRowEnd {
        margin-right: 0;

// needed to start a new row if previous row isn't full (clear previous elements)
.grid--rowStart {
    @include break;


By phpiet


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