Alexander Vassbotn Røyne-Helgesen PRO
Lover of life, technologist at heart
- Where does it blow up?
The first "normal" paragraph should have 23px under the lead paragraph
font-family: "If Sans Bold", Arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;
font-variation-settings: 'wght' 126;
font-size: 18px;
line-height: 28px;
letter-spacing: normal;
margin-bottom: 24px;
// Two figures with speech bubbles
1: Parlez vouz REM?
2: Que?
font-size: 18px;
line-height: 28px;
To the left, what CSS does. To the right is what the designer is expecting to see. CSS centers the text in the line-height. The designer align it to the baseline, the bottom of the line-height.
Some versions of typography metrics calculators to find the metric (the dimensions and properties)
From left to right: 1. nothing is done 2. with basekick 3. Normalized, with adjusted line-heights based on baseline grid (4px/8px)
From left to right: 1. nothing is done 2. with basekick 3. Normalized, with adjusted line-heights based on baseline grid (4px/8px)
// Puzzle
1: I see that I'm missing some pieces, but the box is empty..
// Puzzle
Dad: Why do we have piecec from 4 different puzzles in the box?
Child: I think they fit nice together!
By Alexander Vassbotn Røyne-Helgesen
Denne talken vil vise smertene en utvikler har med designskissene når utvikleren implementerer typografidesign. Har du noen gang lurt på hvorfor avstanden mellom tittelen og teksten sier 30px i skissen, men at det ikke stemmer overens med html og css? Vel, jeg vil få deg til å forstå hvorfor og hvordan du løser dette.