Digital Organizing Model
Convincing a group to share:
- a long-term vision/mission (ideology and analysis) and principles/values to guide them towards achieving the vision/mission.
- objectives and the strategy / plan to achieve those objectives.
- a process for making decisions and holding accountability.
Rooted in Relationships
Convincing a group to share:
- a long-term vision/mission (ideology and analysis) and principles/values to guide them towards achieving the vision/mission.
- objectives and the strategy / plan to achieve those objectives.
- a process for making decisions and holding accountability.
Rooted in issue or action
Organizing vs Mobilizing
Digital Organizing
- A form of mobilization
- Mass engagement
- Rooted in issue/action
- Members may not agree with analysis
- Many opportunists/bandwagon members
- Members have few responsibilities
- Members have little accountability
Digital Organizing
- Emphasize Issue and Take Action
- Not rooted in deep personal relationships
- Organizing: Unity of Thought
- Mobilizing: Unity of Action
Convince people to take Action
Convert audience into Action Takers
Create an Action Swarm
Digital Organizing Work
- Framing
- Demands
- Graphics
Attract people to Campaign
Digital Organizing Work
- Framing
- Demands
- Graphics
Attract people to Campaign
Call to Action
- Clear & compelling
- Immediate & easy
- Sign, vote, call, protest, share, donate, volunteer,etc.
Digital Organizing Work
- Framing
- Demands
- Graphics
Attract people to Campaign
Call to Action
Capture Member Info
- Name, contact
- Demographics
- Analytics of Interests and Engagement
- Clear & compelling
- Immediate & easy
- Sign, vote, call, protest, share, donate, volunteer,etc.
Digital Organizing Work
- Framing
- Demands
- Graphics
Attract people to Campaign
Call to Action
Capture Member Info
Political Education
- Name, contact
- Demographics
- Analytics of Interests and Engagement
- Clear & compelling
- Immediate & easy
- Sign, vote, call, protest, share, donate, volunteer,etc.
- General Public
- Self-Guided
- Frame Issues
Digital Organizing
By Positive Action Center
Digital Organizing
Digital and Online Organizing
- 143