Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies

David Stancel


- What it is

- History and Background
 - How it works

- Consequences

- Challenges

- Q&A

Bitcoin as  a ...


- Decentralized with no middleman

- Independent

- Open-source

- Deflationary

- Fast (?)

- Pseudoanonymous

History & Background

- Inception of Assymetric Cryptography & PKI

- (Failed) Attempts for digital cash

- Cypherpunks

- Satoshi Nakamoto


How it works?

- Blockchain

distributed ledger of ALL transactions ever made
each node in the network has a copy






- Transactions

are divided into blocks
each block contains hash of a previous block




How it works? II.


- Distributed Consensus

mechanism that makes all nodes agree on order of transactions


- Proof of Work

Miners have to perform difficult mathematical  operations in order to guess a puzzle
The one who is first wins a block reward and has right to propose a block


- Hashrate
the more computing power the more often you get reward

more miners --> bigger hashrate --> more secure --> difficulty increase (adjusted each 2016 blocks)






Hash Function

How transactions work?


  1. New transactions are broadcast to all nodes
  2. Each node collects transactions into a block
  3. In each block a random node gets to transact its block
  4. Other nodes accept the block only if it contains valid transactions (unspent, valid sigs)
  5. Node express their acceptance of the block by including its hash to a next block they create



Hashrate distribution

Bitcoin vs. Alts


Consequences II


- scaling
- mass adoption

- (de)centralization

- regulation

- security

- node incentivization


Introduction to decentralized currency

By ---

Introduction to decentralized currency

What is Bitcoin and how it works

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