Why do we need it?
My Journey
- Intro Dec '12
- Enlightenment '16
- All in since then
- Opinions
- Careful of experts
- Not financial advice
- Invest wisely
What is Bitcoin?
Confirmation Bias and Bitcoin
... has drawn from a variety of schools of thought: game theory, cryptography, hacker culture, the open source movement and libertarian ideology..
Speculative Price
- Volatile - Foreign Currency
- Media Frenzy
- Interesting in Short Term
- Great for:
- Lambo's
- Memes
- Obituaries
- Bubble analogies
Utility and Tech
- Same irrespective of price
- Interesting Long Term
- Great for:
- Disrupting old structures of power
- Creating global economies
- Decentralising trust
"In order to understand bitcoin, you need to understand money and, in order to understand money, you need to understand the history of money"
- Wences Casares
Yap People & Rai Stones
Money by Design
- Scarce
- Durable
- Divisible
- Verifiable
- Portable
- Fungible
- Medium of Exchange
- Unit of Account
- Store of Value
Bitcoin by Design
- Scarce: Limited 21 million supply
- Divisible: 1BTC = 100 000 000 Satoshi
- Frictionless: Multi-medium transportability with almost real time settlement
- Verifiable: Cryptographically secured
- Durable: Global, Decentralised and Open Source
History of Money
- Credit backed Barter: stones, shells, cacao beans
Commodity money: Barley, Tea, Pelts
- ~5000 years ago rare metals
- ~2700 years ago first minted coinage
Redeemable Money: Commodity backed paper money
- 17-19th Gold Standard
- Bretton Woods System
Fiat Money:
- 1971 Nixon Shocks
- ~40 years: Cheques and Digital Credit
"Fiat money is a currency without intrinsic value established as money, often by government regulation. It has an assigned value only because the government uses its power to enforce the value of a fiat currency or because the exchanging parties agree to its value"
Next Generation of Money
October 2008: "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" - Whitepaper
Jan 2009: First version of bitcoin goes live
Why is Bitcoin Revolutionary?
The internet gave us a decentralised global network that allowed the sharing information
Bitcoin gives us a decentralised global network that allows censorship resistant transfer of value
Bitcoin brings into question the existing power structures.
"Just as the Enlightenment brought about the separation of State and Religion,
So does this technology provide of the possibility separation between state and money"
- Power of choice
- Checks and Balances
- Economic Self Empowerment
Why separate Money from State?
- Banking the unbanked
- Remittance
- Hedge against inflation/hyperinflation
- Protect Wealth
- Global Economies
Bitcoin Use Cases
So...Why do we need it?
- Current System:
- Banks own your money on deposit
- Banks spend your money
- Subject to closed, centralised monetary policy
- Bitcoin:
- You own your money
- P2P network with no intermediaries allows you to spend your money without fear of censorship
- Subject to predetermined, mathematical monetary policy written into code, open to all
Join the revolution
Twitter: @a21n_
Bitcoin Resources:
Deeper Dive
Proof of Work
- PoW Waste = Security of Network
- Synonymous to current systems:
- Vaults, Security Guards, Electric Fencing
- Datacenters, Disaster Recovery Centers
- Counterfeit Preventions
- ...entire Banking infrastructure
Ecological Impact
- Move towards stable green energy
- Huge investments in sustainable computing
- Energy usage not linear to adoption/transactions
- Auto adjusting difficulty
- First a year ran on < 5 computers
- Innovations and protocol changes (PoS, DPoS)
- Scaling
- Adoption
- (de)centralisation
- Regulation
- End user security
- User experience
The Future
- Lightning (Instant, Low Fee Payments)
- Rootstock (Smart Contract)
- Tumblebit (Anonymous Payments)
Bitcoin and Money
By ---
Bitcoin and Money
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