Evaluation Question 3
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product?
Our small, independent distribution company who specialises in distributing independently made films is called 'Seven Studios' and it is similar to 'Entertainment Film Distributors'. This is because they distribute 'New Line Cinema' films around the UK, the same company who distributed 'Se7en'. 'Se7en' is a very big inspiration to our film which is why we chose to use this distribution company. They also distributed 'Saw' and 'Saw II'.

Our distribution company will allow us to have a restricted local release with the premier at a local independent cinema such as 'Screen on the Green'
Due to our target audience being aged 15-30 we will mainly distribute our film digitally on vimeo. This will help us reach our target audience as most young people access all their media through the internet. As well as this, it is incredibly easy to share things online with friends, this will help us reach a larger audience.
However, we will also release our film on DVD for the people who are apart of our target audience who don't use the internet as much. Once again, this will also help our film to spread and increase viewership.
By pyropion
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