Evaluation Question 6
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The very first technology we had to use was Adobe Photoshop. This was used to create the gradient overlay that highlights a certain point on the screen and darkens the rest.

This is the font we decided to use.

The main software/technology we used was Adobe Premiere Pro. We used this to edit all our footage, to cut all the clips, put them in the right order and add sounds and music. As well as this, we used it to apply the overlay that was created in photoshop. It allowed us to slow down or speed up any of our clips, this was especially useful for the clip when the camera pans down the board, we filmed that too quickly.

Another technology we used was Adobe After Effects. This was used to add the titles to our opening sequence, in it we also changed the font and added an 'jiggy' effect to the titles.

The video camera is the central element of technology, some of its features helped us a lot during filming. We were able to get close ups due to the manual focus option, as the automatic didn't focus correctly on such extreme close ups. As well as this the zoom function was very useful as it allowed us to perfectly frame our shots.
By pyropion
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