
Calgary Python Meetup PyYYC

Edmonton Python Meetup





Please let the organizing committee know if you are interested in sponsoring/collaborating.

Please let the organizing committee know if you are interested in sponsoring/collaborating.


Today's Talk

Why should I trust you? Using SHAP for interpretable AI

by Chris Chen

Streamlit and Panel: building webapps in Python for data analysis

by Michael and Anton

Upcoming Events

Check out more events at:


PyCon US

May 12 - 18, Online

DjangoCon Europe

June 2 - 6, Online


  • Early developer preview of Python 3.10 released (3.10.0a7)
  • Python 3.9.4 hotfix is now available
  • Python Software Foundation (PSF) is hiring Package PM, developer for cpython
  • Django Debug Toolbar security releases issued: 3.2.1, 2.2.1 and 1.11.1
  • Django 3.2 released
  • Django Technical Board Candidate Registration

Reading for the Month

An Alternative to Python Dictionaries

  • Defaultdict, makes code and life much easier 

8 Built-in Functions Every Python Programmer Should Know

  • hash(), map(), zip(), eval(), split(), ord(), dir(), pow()

Why Python is Slow: Looking Under the Hood

  • A detailed long article explaining why Python is slow (essentially type checking)

3 Seemingly Simple Python Features That Confuse Beginners

  • Things you need to keep in mind, Logical Operators (and, or), Assignment Expression, Context Management (with)

Next meetup: May 26

We are looking for presenters!!

Any topic and experience level with Python

Feel free to slack @CarsonZ. in YYC Design & Develop

Message one of
@data-get, @dgmouris, @abram
on Dev Edmonton Slack

PyYYC Apr 28 2021

By Calgary Python Meetup PyYYC