



Learning Objectives

  • Find important information in the user interface
  • Identify issues within collected data
  • Calculate Apdex
  • Configure alert policies
  • Where to find New Relic Docs

New Relic under 2 minutes


New Relic Web Interface


New Relic Interface


Applications Menu


Server Menu


Drop Down Menu


Account Settings Menu


Time Picker


Zoom Select



Install App and Server Agents


Terms for this Section


New Relic License Key

This is a 40-character hexadecimal string that New Relic provides when you sign up for your account.

Example Key: a00a403ec153eb64c01a9dc47c1654ccbc3760fa


Agent Configuration File

The New Relic agent reads settings, including license key and application name, from a config file.


New Relic Log Files

The New Relic agent and daemon can be configured to log output about what they are doing.


Application Agent Installation


Install PHP Application Agent

  1. Add the repo

rpm -Uvh http://yum.newrelic.com/pub/newrelic/el5/x86_64/

  1. Install the app monitor

yum install newrelic-php5
  1. Run the installer



Install PHP Application Agent


Server Agent Installation


Install Server Monitor Agent

  1. Install the server monitor agent

yum install newrelic-sysmond
  1. Run the installation

nrsysmond-config --set license_key=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY


Lab: Let’s Do New Relic

  1. Install New Relic PHP Agent
  2. Install New Relic Server Monitor Agent
  3. Make PHP Do Something

php -r "phpinfo(); sleep(10);"

  1. Observe in RPM

Lab: Solution


Configuration Setting


Terms for this Section


agent configuration

settings within the configuration files installed along with the agent.


server-side configuration

Settings within the New Relic UI that affect agent behavior.


agent vs daemon

The NR PHP Agent consists of two pieces, a PHP extension (“agent”) and a standalone process (“daemon” or “proxy daemon”) which handles transmission of data to New Relic.


apdex & apdex_t

Apdex is a measurement of how well your application is performing. It quantifies aggregate user experience into a number between 0 and 1. Apdex_t is the setting you define which sets the baseline for “expected performance”, and is used to calculate apdex.


Server Side Configuration

Whose server? Not yours, not your customer’s...New Relic’s!


Agent Configuration


Agent Configuration  

Agent configuration is the most extensive and expressive way to change the behavior of the agent. It can change ...

  • connection type/details (proxy, SSL)
  • License key and application name
  • change settings on level of detail gathered & logged


The configuration file is most often found at /etc/php5.d/newrelic.ini   but could be in other locations as well.


Agent Settings     

  • Agent settings need to be visible to PHP, so they can be set in php.ini or other config files. 
  •  NR attempts to install a “ newrelic.ini ” where the machine configuration supports multiple ini files.

PHP Agent Settings 

List of available PHP agent settings:



Changing Settings


Why would you rename the app?

   How to Rename the App

The easiest, universal-to-all-app-agents method is change the application name in the config file.

Other ways...


Lab: Server Side Configurtion

  1. Log into your testing account in New Relic
  2. Select the demo application
  3. Navigate to the Settings section, Application section
  4. Change the apdex_t setting
  5. Save
  6. service httpd restart

Lab Solution





Lab: Agent Configuration

  1. Visit your “app” in browser and view-source on the page; observe that there are two lines (header and footer) referencing ‘NREUM
  2. locate newrelic.ini (on centos 6, typically /etc/php5.d/newrelic.ini)
  3. Using your favorite editor, open that file as root (eg ‘sudo vi /etc/php5.d/newrelic.ini’)

Lab: Agent Configuration cont...

  1. Change the setting ‘newrelic.browser_monitoring.auto_instrument’ to 0
  2. Restart your dispatcher (eg apache)
  3. Visit the web copy of your demo script and observe that the javascript header and footer for auto_instrumentation is missing (search for ‘NREUM’)

Lab Solution


Locate and Troubleshoot Data


Terms for this Section


Transaction trace

By default, New Relic captures details about the slowest transactions, including call stacks and SQL statements.


Error trace

New Relic captures details about unhandled exceptions, including stack traces and error messages.


Transactions Dashboard




Viewing an individual transaction


Viewing transaction traces


Transaction Traces


Using the Server Dashboard


Processes Dashboard


Network Dashboard


Disks Dashboard


Lab: Using Transaction and Server data to troubleshoot performance problems

  1. Visit the permalink provided by your instructor
  2. Using New Relic’s Transaction and Server dashboards, determine whether the application has a performance problem
  3. If so, determine what caused the problem (for example, slow code, slow database queries, limited server resources, etc.)

Lab Solution

  • Did the application have a performance problem? How did you know?
  • If so, what caused the problem? What data led you to that conclusion?

Using the Errors Dashboard


Viewing an individual transaction




Terms for this Section



An industry standard to measure users' satisfaction with the response time of an application or service. It's a simplified Service Level Agreement (SLA) solution that gives application owners better insight into how satisfied users are, in contrast to traditional metrics like average response time, which can be skewed by a few very long responses.


Apdex T

The application owner defines a response time threshold: “T.”

All responses handled in T or less time satisfy the user. For example, if T is 1.2 seconds and a response completes in 0.5 seconds, then the user is satisfied. All responses greater than 1.2 seconds dissatisfy the user.


Apdex Score

The Apdex score is a ratio value of the number of satisfied and tolerating requests to the total requests made. Each satisfied request counts as one request, while each tolerating request counts as half as satisfied request.


Application Performance Index

How to Compute the Apdex Score



Apdex Bucket


Calculating Apdex: Errors

Unhandled Exceptions are always “Frustrating” results


Calculating Apdex


Calculating Apdex: Examples


Calculating Apdex: Examples


Calculating Apdex: Examples


Configuring Apdex Threshold



Lab: Fun with Apdex

  1. Calculate Apdex Example
  2. Log into New Relic
  3. Review existing Apdex score
  4. Make changes to Apdex-T
  5. Refresh site to see how Apdex Score responds

Link to Apdex calculator: http://bit.do/apdex


Calculate the Following Apdex Score


Practice Time



Calculate the Following Apdex Score


Lab Solution


Alert Policies


Terms for this Section


Alert Channel

Notification method. Email is the only channel used by default, but mobile push notifications, pagerduty, hipchat, campfire, and webhooks are also configurable.


Alert Policy

A grouping mechanism for most alertables (servers, applications, and key transactions).


Alert Fatique

Occurs when user become indifferent due to excessive alerts.


New Relic Alerting


New Relic Alerting

New Relic alerting enables you to...

  • Find out about problems within your infrastructure as they develop
  • Get the right alert to the right people, but avoid alert fatigue
  • Configurable thresholds, set once per application
  • Configurable recipients and methods

Two Kinds of Alerts


Threshhold Alerts

Only be listed within the NR UI

Usually lead to alerts being sent outside of NR


Configuring Threshold

Most alerts are based on metrics crossing thresholds:


Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 10.46.44 AM.png

Just like an alarm clock, if you set the threshold lower than the current value of the the metric, it will not alert until the metric drops below the threshold and then rises above it again.


Downtime Alerts


Grouping Servers & Applications w/ Alert Policies

Accounts with >1 app and/or server can effectively group alertables to manage alerts more easily


Alert Notifications

You can modify alert notifications by defining alert policies or by using the alert API settings in New Relic's REST API. You can have alerts sent to:


Alerting "Gotchas"

There are several alerting gotchas:

  • policy alert open => no more alerts after the first one, if ‘first critical’ is set

Alerting "Gotchas"

There are several alerting gotchas:

  • policy alert open => no more alerts after the first one, if ‘first critical’ is set
  • mobile/plugin alerting outside of policy settings:
  • thresholds are account-wide, not per-user, while notifications are set per-user

Lab: Configuring & Receiving an Alert

  1. Create a Server alert policy that:
  • a.  Named "Too low"
  • b.  Caution: 1% CPU after 5 minutes
  • c.  Send alerts: 2% CPU 6 minutes
  • d.  Apply to all servers
  1. Generate CPU load 

Lab Solution


Lab Solution


Lab Solution

Useful links


Assess your Knowledge



New Relic

By Rackspace University

New Relic

  • 1,491