Python IV


  • Name
  • Role/Job
  • Length of tenure
  • Programming experience
    • Python specifically
  • Why did you sign up?
  • Define success for you in this course

What this class is

  • Intermediate / Advanced topics in Python
  • Lots of hands-on lab work
  • Lots of class participation
    • Share your war stories and experiences
  • A walk through some real-world usages for the language

What this class isn't

  • In depth information on specific Python modules
  • Every intermediate/advanced topic in Python
  • Rigidly structured

Class Materials

  • All the materials for the class are available on GitHub:


Get a copy of the course materials

# optional step
sudo yum install git

# clone the repo
git clone

System Config

  • Make sure Python is installed
    • Python 3 for this course
  • Lab machines have CentOS 7 with Python 3 already installed 
python --version

Editor Config

  • Install and setup your favorite editor
    • vim,, emacs, nano, etc.


  • virtualenv allows us to setup isolated python environments
    • customized to your version and dependency requirements
  • Comes with distribute, easy_install, and pip
  • Allows control of environments where root authority is lacking


#install on CentOS 7
sudo yum install -y python-virtualenv

# create a new virtual env
virtualenv -p python3 <directory_name>

# work in the new virtual env
cd <directory_name>
source bin/activate

# stop working on the virtual env


  • PIP is a Python package manager
  • Standard package commands:
    • install, uninstall, list, search
  • Installation instructions:
    • Already installed by virtualenv!


  • We will use IPython in this class for a lot of our shell interaction
  • You can create a virtualenv if desired
    • IPython, and dependencies, won't be the only packages we will install for the course
# make sure you are in the virtualenv
pip install ipython


  • Grab the materials for the class
  • Verify Python version info
  • Install virtualenv
  • Create a virtualenv
    • activate it
  • Install IPython in the virtualenv

Python Review

Anatomy of a Module

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Line #1 = shebang
# Line #2 = encoding declaration

# Inline documentation



Python Keywords

and       del       from      not       while
as        elif      global    or        with
assert    else      if        pass      yield
break     except    import    print
class     exec      in        raise
continue  finally   is        return
def       for       lambda    try

Tuple Type

  • Tuples are sequences of other objects that cannot be changed
    • they are "immutable"
  • Tuples can contain any type of object, and can be sliced
    • they’re ordered
  • A one element tuple is formed by (element,) where the comma makes it a tuple
  • Examples:
tup = (1, "a", 3)
tup = tuple()
tup = (1,) # Comma needed for single element
gen = (x**2 for x in range(1,4)) # Not a tuple!

List Type

  • Lists are sequences that can be changed (“mutable”)

  • Lists can contain other object types and be sliced

  • A list is a set of objects separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets

  • Examples:

lst = [1, "a", 3]
lst = list()
lst = [x for x in xrange(5)]

Dictionary Type

  • A dictionary (“dict”) type is a set of expressions that are associated 1 to 1 with other expressions

  • A dict provides a handy “mapping” between a “key” expression and its associated “value” expression

  • A dict is not an ordered sequence, it’s a mapping.

  • Examples:

dic = {"a": 1}
dic = dict(a=1)
dic = {x: chr(x) for x in range(97, 107)}

Set Type

  • A set is a mutable group of unordered immutable objects with unique values
    • no duplicates
    • the set is mutable, but not the objects within it
  • Uses the ‘{}’ symbols just like a dictionary, but doesn’t have ‘:’ i.e. no key/value pairs
  • Slicing is not allowed
    • but iterators work
  • Set operations are powerful, but perhaps not the most efficient
  • Examples:
st = {1,2,2,3}
st = set([1,2,2,3])
st = {x for x in range(1,4)}

Yield Statement

  • yield is similar to return, but suspends execution of the called function instead of ending the function

    • Saves the state

  • On the next call to the function:

    • yield picks up where it left off

    • with all identifier values still holding the same values

  • A function with a yield statement is a generator

  • Example:

def foo(bar=10):
    i = 1
    while i < bar:
        yield i
        i = i + 1

With Statement

  • The with statement is used to run a suite of other statements under a “context manager”

  • Special methods __enter__() and __exit__() are called to setup and takedown a “context”

  • Common for doing i/o (which auto-closes the file handle) and threading (which auto-acquires and releases lock)

with open("foo.txt", "r") as infile:
    all_txt =

Import and From Statements

  • To make a set of identifiers in another module available for use by your module, you must first use import or from

  • import pulls in identifiers from module(s) but the module name must be used as a prefix

    • only module name is added to local namespace

  • "from" pulls in identifiers from modules but avoids need to prefix with the module name

    • identifier is added to local namespace


Lab - Pyreview

  • Follow the instructions in:

Python 2to3

See the other PDF slides


Subprocessing in Python

  • Python can spawn and control entire processes using the subprocess module

  • Generally means redirecting the basic file descriptors (stdin, stdout, stderr) to gain programmatic access

  • Forks a new process and uses pipes for redirection

  • As usual, beware of invoking a process based on direct or indirect user input

Subprocess Module

  • Contains many convenience functions for creating and managing subprocesses

  • subprocess.Popen class is the most full-featured interface

  • is the simplest interface

Subprocess - Details

  • run() - spawn a subprocess, wait for completion, return an object representing the process

    • args, returncode, stdout, stderr
    • raises CalledProcessError exception if exit code isn't 0

  • Caveats:

    • Be careful using pipes for stdout or stderr

    • Only use shell=True if need shell features

# examples
proc =['ls', '-al'])
proc ='false')

Subprocess - Popen

  • Swiss army knife of subprocess spawning

  • Can map stderr to stdout using subprocess.STDOUT

  • Use subprocess.PIPE in stdin, stdout, stderr

  • Check out all the args/kwargs in the docs:


    • ​​​- poll() sees if child is terminated
      - wait() waits for child to terminate
      - communicate(input=None) sends input to child stdin. Use instead of stdin.write()
      - send_signal(signal) sends given signal to child
      - terminate() and kill() send respective signals to child
# example
subproc = subprocess.Popen(['ls', '-al'])
(stdoutdata, stderrdata) = subproc.communicate()

Subprocess - Caveats

  • Note: if args is a string, must use shell=True to specify args

  • Once again, don’t use shell=True with user entered data

  • shell=False does not call a shell either directly or indirectly, allowing all characters (even metacharacters) to be passed safely

Subprocess - Popen Interaction

  • Popen.std* are file objects if std*=PIPE was used in Popen constructor

  • is child process ID

  • Popen.returncode is child exit code. Set by poll(), wait(). None if child not terminated. If negative, indicates child was terminated by that signal number.

Lab Subprocess

  • Follow the instructions in:

Multiprocessing / Multithreading

Threads Vs. Processes


  • Threads are independently scheduled streams of instructions that run within a single OS process

  • Threads have their own stack, registers, scheduling attributes, priorities, signal mask, and thread local memory

  • Threads allow logical concurrency of execution (and possibly parallel execution if configured)

  • Threads introduce the need for synchronization!


  • Threads share the same instructions (bytecodes) same identifier bindings, same open files, and other resources

  • Threads cannot exist outside of an OS process

  • Threads are “lightweight” – the overhead of creating them is much less than creating a real process

  • Threads are used for capturing a higher % of available cycles on a single CPU, realtime systems, an asynchronous event handling.

Threading Models

  • Some common threading models exist:
  • Boss/worker
    • Boss thread creates worker threads, then loops receiving work requests from a queue or socket
    • Worker threads loop on work assignments from boss
  • Peer

    • All threads work on the backlog without a “manager” thread

    • All threads work on a protected/synchronized queue

  • Pipeline

    • Each thread does a stage of a work pipeline

      • Each thread accepts work from “previous” thread, passes to “next” thread

Threading Module

  • Contains all the necessary primitives to handle threading:

    • threading.Thread() - create a thread from a callable

    • threading.Condition() - create a condition to use for waiting

    • threading.Event() - create an event to use for waiting

    • threading.Lock()/RLock() - Lock a critical section or variable

    • threading.Semaphore() - Classic acquire/release semaphore

    • threading.Timer() - run a callable after timer expires

Running a Thread

import threading
import time

def xyz():
    for i in range(10):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    th = threading.Thread(target=xyz)
    for i in range(10):

Threading Module

  • Calling another threads join() causes the caller to wait for thread to end

  • Pass arguments to new thread using the args and kwargs keywords

  • Locks have acquire() and release() methods that can be automatically invoked on the with statement

Threading Module

  • Condition variables have a wait() to wait for the condition to be reached

  • Condition variables also have notify() and notify_all() that can be used to indicate to other threads that the condition variable has changed

  • Semaphore objects also have acquire() and release() for easy use with with

  • Event objects have set(), clear(), and wait() which indicate if event has happened or not

Bad Bits about Threads

  • The CPython interpreter uses something called the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) to protect access to the inner workings of the interpreter
  • One Python thread at a time can have that lock, thus only one thread at a time can run
  • Many threads can be waiting (on data, cpu, etc.)
    • Only one can be active regardless of the number of CPUs/cores/etc.
  • There are ways around this, but there is peril therein

Threading Worker Example

import queue
import threading

num_worker_threads = 5
num_work_items = 20

def worker():
    thread_id = threading.current_thread().name
    while True:
        item = q.get()
        print("Worker %s:" % thread_id, item)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    q = queue.Queue()
    for i in range(num_worker_threads):
        t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
        t.daemon = True

    work_items = range(num_work_items)
    for item in work_items:

    q.join()       # block until all tasks are done


  • Multiprocessing module has same interface as threading, but spawns processes instead of threads
  • Doesn't suffer from GIL problems of threads
  • Higher overhead because it spawns a Python interpreter for each process


  • Processes can exchange information via Pipes and Queues
  • Can synchronize like Threads
  • Can share memory amongst processes
  • Can create a pool of workers to map tasks to

Running a Process

import multiprocessing
import time

def xyz():
    for i in range(10):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=xyz)
    for i in range(10):

Process Worker Example

import multiprocessing
import os

def worker(q):
    process_id = os.getpid()
    while True:
        item = q.get()
        print("Worker %s:" % process_id, item)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    num_worker_processes = 5
    num_work_items = 20
    q = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue(num_work_items+1)
    for i in range(num_worker_processes):
        p = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=[q])
        p.daemon = True

    work_items = range(num_work_items)
    for item in work_items:

    q.join()       # block until all tasks are done
    print("All done")

Lab multiprocessing / multithreading

  • Follow the instructions in:


Lots of Options for Serialization in Python

  • JSON, YAML, Pickle, Shelve, XML, etc.


  • YAML Ain't Markup Language

  • YAML is a human friendly data serialization
      standard for all programming languages.

  • Easy for parse for humans and machines

  • Language independent


  • YAML, like Python, highly values whitespace

    • Spaces only, no tabs

  • It aims to capture sequences, scalars, and map data structures

  • Used a lot for config files

  • Native simple data types: integer, float, strings

YAML Constructs

  • Scalars, maps, sequences

# Sequence of Scalars
- Mark McGwire
- Sammy Sosa
- Ken Griffey
# Mapping Scalars to Sequences
  - Boston Red Sox
  - Detroit Tigers
  - New York Yankees
  - New York Mets
  - Chicago Cubs
  - Atlanta Braves
# Mapping Scalars to Scalars
hr:  65    # Home runs
avg: 0.278 # Batting average
rbi: 147   # Runs Batted In
# Sequence of Mappings

  name: Mark McGwire
  hr:   65
  avg:  0.278
  name: Sammy Sosa
  hr:   63
  avg:  0.288

YAML in Python

  • Not a stock Python library
    • pip install pyyaml
# create a python object from yaml txt
yml_txt = file('myfile.yml', 'r').read()
py_obj = yaml.load(yml_txt)
# serialize a python object to yaml txt
yml_txt = yaml.dump(py_obj)
file('myfile.yml', 'w').write(yml_txt)

YAML to Python

name: Jeremy
age: unknown
height: 75
{'name': 'Jeremy', 'age': 'unknown', 'height': 75}
- item1
- item2
- 999
['item1', 'item2', 999]
- id: 111
  name: bob
  shell: "/bin/bash"
- id: 222
  name: mary
  shell: "/bin/zsh"
[{'id': 111, 'name': 'bob', 'shell': '/bin/bash'},
 {'id': 222, 'name': 'mary', 'shell': '/bin/zsh'}]

YAML Framing

  • --- signifies the start of a YAML document
  • ... signifies the end of the YAML document
- item1
- item2
- item3
 - 1
 - 2
 - 3

There is a lot more to YAML


  • Follow the instructions in:


  • JSON is trivial to generate and parse

    • at the cost of reduced human readability

  • JSON uses lowest common denominator information model

    • any JSON data can be easily processed by every modern programming environment

  • YAML designed for human readability and support for serializing arbitrary native data structures.

  • YAML allows for extremely readable files

    • more complex to generate and parse

  • Uses more than the lowest common denominator data types

    • requires more complex processing when crossing between different programming environments.


  • Javascript Object Notation

  • Part of Javascript language definition

  • Easy for parse for humans and machines

  • Language independent

  • “lightweight data interchange format”

Name/value pair collection (dict in Python)
Ordered list of values (list in Python)

JSON Details

  • An “object” is an unordered set of name:value pairs (called “members”) separated by commas and surrounded by curly braces

    • { Name1:Value1, Name2:Value1,… }
  • An “array” is a set of “elements” surrounded by square brackets

    • [ element1, element2,… ]
  • Elements are strings, numbers, true, false, null, object, array


  • Strings are made of:

    • Unicode chars (\uhhhh)

    • \,\\,/,\b,\f,\n,\r,\t

  • Numbers are signed integer, decimal, or exponent (“e”) flavors only

  • Whitespace is fine

Python to JSON

  • import the json module
  • Serialize a Python object to JSON
import json
json.dump(python_obj, fo, **kwargs)
json.dumps(python_obj, **kwargs)

Note: JSON is not a ”framed” protocol 
i.e. can’t append multiple JSON objects to same file

JSON to Python

  • import the json module
  • Deserialize a JSON object to Python
import json
python_obj = json.load(fo, **kwargs)
python_obj = json.loads(string, **kwargs)

JSON Module Caveats

  • JSON keys in key/value pairs are always strings. Unlike Python.

  • Default json module encoder only encodes “ASCII-compatible” strings. Use u for other encodings

  • Same name in name:value pairs uses the last one

  • Out of range floats are handled correctly (nan, inf, -inf)

Python to JSON Translations

dict -> object
list, tuple -> array
str, unicode -> string
int, float -> number
True, False -> true, false
None -> null


  • The builtin json module can be slow
  • Other pypi packages have C extensions to speed them up
    • simplejson, yajl, python-cjson, UltraJSON
  • Opinion:
    • Don't load/save huge json objects
    • profile your app to make sure it is the json encode/decode


  • Follow the instructions in:

Pickle and Shelve

  • The pickle module does a similar job to JSON, but is Python specific

    • Not good for machine data interchange

    • Allows multiple pickled objects to be dumped to the same file

      • must be loaded in same order on way back

  • The shelve module essentially provided a persistent dict for pickled objects in a database

  • Opinion: Only use these for interchange within your own app


REST Principles

  • Representational State Transfer

  • A simple, client/server web services API currently in favor

  • Way of locating and manipulating “resources” on a network

    • usually represented by XML or JSON documents

  • Commonly uses HTTP protocol (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)

  • Stateless (all state on client or server)

  • Simple, predictable resource pathing scheme based on URL

More RESTing

  • ReSTful services generally map a CRUD interface (Create, Read, Update, Delete) by URL mappings that embed data

    • e.g. GET v2/{tenant_id}/servers

    • HTTP POST -> Create a server

    • GET -> Read the list of servers/specific server

    • PUT -> Update a specific server

    • DELETE -> Delete a specific server

  • HTTP GET calls to a ReSTful service should not change state i.e. read only

REST Client

Accessing Web Data: urllib

  • Client functions to access URL’s

  • import urllib.request
  • urllib.request.urlopen(url[,data])
    • url is the URL of the target resource

    • data is to be sent to the server

  • Only HTTP url types use data currently

  • If data exists

    • it must be URL encoded

    • HTTP GET becomes a POST


  • A “file-like object” is returned from urlopen() which can be accessed with file semantics (read, readlines, etc.)

  • Raises:
    URLError (subclass of IOError)
    HTTPError (subclass of URLError)
  • Also takes urllib2.Request objects, useful for including HTTP headers in a dict (or use Request add_header method)

  • Can handle redirections, HTTP error responses, cookies, proxies, HTTP authentication

urllib example

import urllib.request

response = urllib.request.urlopen("")
page =

post_response = urllib.request.urlopen("",
data =

You got to work with urllib in

urllib is great

but Requests is better!

Requests library

  • If you are going to do any real work with HTTP, Python recommends using the Requests library
  • It handles the HTTP intricacies more transparently, and better, than urllib2
pip install requests

Requests Example - GET

import requests

response = requests.get("")
print response.status_code
print response.headers
print response.text
print response.json()

Requests Example - POST

import requests

data = {'user': 'bob', 'pass': 'password'}
response ="", data=data)

Note: the default content type for a POST is application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Requests Example - POST JSON

import requests

data = {'user': 'bob', 'pass': 'password'}
response ="", json=data)

Note: the content type for a POST with the JSON argument is application/json

More Requests Examples

import requests

r = requests.put('', data = {'key':'value'})
r = requests.delete('')
r = requests.head('')
r = requests.options('')

headers = {'X-Auth-Token': '62c0e8d7305c4fd88d3772cde0d06d38'}
r = requests.get("", headers=headers)

Lab Requests

  • Follow the instructions in:

REST Server


  • You CAN create a RESTful API service using stock Python libraries
    • just like you CAN build your own rocket and fly to the moon
  • However, it is easier, safer, better, and more fun to use a framework to do the heavy lifting

Some Python Web Frameworks

  • Django, Flask, Tornado, Twisted, bottle, hug, ...


  • Let's focus on an easy-to-learn web microframework Flask
  • install:
pip install Flask

Minimal Flask Application

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello World!'

if __name__ == '__main__':
# to run the app:

$ python
* Running on


  • Requests are routed based on the decorators
  • You can grab variables from the route url
def show_user_profile(username):
    # show the user profile for that user
    return 'User %s' % username

def show_post(post_id):
    # show the post with the given id, the id is an integer
    return 'Post %d' % post_id


  • You can limit routes based on the HTTP verbs
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
    if request.method == 'POST':


  • You can run files through the Jinja2 template engine
from flask import render_template

def hello(name=None):
    return render_template('hello.html', name=name)
<!doctype html>
<title>Hello from Flask</title>
{% if name %}
  <h1>Hello {{ name }}!</h1>
{% else %}
  <h1>Hello World!</h1>
{% endif %}

Debug mode

  • Turn it on for dev, but make sure it is off for production
app.debug = True

# or

Lab Flask

  • Follow the instructions in:

Function Arguments

Function Arguments

  • There are two types of arguments for Python functions:
    • positional
    • keyword
def func(arg1, arg2, arg3='abc', arg4='123'):

Positional arguments

  • Positional arguments are required
  • They do not have a default value
  • Positional arguments can be referred to by their name
    • Making them keyword arguments!

Keyword Arguments

  • Keyword arguments can be in any order
    • as long as they come after the positional arguments
  • Can't specify positional args after keyword args
  • Names must match exactly
  • Can set default values

Args and Kwargs

  • We can catch all the args to a function in the special * variable (usually called *args)
def argless(*args):


def twoargs(x, y, *args):
    print(x, y, args)

twoargs(1, 2, 3)
twoargs('a', 'b')

Args and Kwargs

  • We can also apply a list to an argument list
def subtract(x, y):
    return x - y

subtract(10, 5)
lst = [10, 5]

Args and Kwargs

  • Kwargs can be handled the same way - but with ** (usually used as **kwargs)
def kwargless(**kwargs):

kwargless(x=1, y=2)

def subtract(x, y):
    return x - y

values = {'x': 10, 'y': 5}

Lab Args

  • Follow the instructions in:


Python and Objects

  • Everything in Python is an object
  • For instance, try the following code:
class FakeClass:

a = 1
b = 'hello'
c = FakeClass()
print(a, b, c)

"Variables" in Python

  • In most programming languages, variables are a spot to put values
  • In Python, we don't create variables and assign values to them
    • We create names and bind them to objects
  • for instance, c = FakeClass() tells Python:
    • "I want to refer that FakeClass instance as c"

More about binding

  • Does the following code do what you expect?
class FakeClass:

a = FakeClass()
b = a


a.hello = 'world'


Everything is an Object
(Including integers)

x = 123

Since everything is just names bound to objects...

import datetime
import imp

print(datetime.datetime.max, datetime.datetime.min)

class PartyTime():
    def __call__(self, *args):
        value = datetime.datetime(*args)
        datetime.datetime = self
        return value

    def __getattr__(self, value):
        if value == 'now':
            return lambda: print('Party Time!')
            value = getattr(datetime.datetime, value)
            datetime.datetime = self
            return value

datetime.datetime = PartyTime()
print(datetime.datetime.max, datetime.datetime.min)

Mutable vs. Immutable

  • mutable objects can be changed after they are created
    • lists, dictionaries, sets
  • immutable objects cannot be changed after they are created
    • strings, tuples, integers, floats

Immutable Strings?

x = 'abc'

x += 'def'

Immutable Tuples?

class myInt():
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 0

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.value)

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.value)

x = myInt()
print(x, id(x))

x_t = (x, x)
print(x_t, id(x_t), id(x_t[0]), id(x_t[1]))

x_t[0] = 999  # exception!

x.value = 999
print(x, id(x))
print(x_t, id(x_t), id(x_t[0]), id(x_t[1]))

More Names and Binding

def list_widget(in_list):
    in_list[0] = 10

    in_list = list(range(1, 10))
    in_list[0] = 10

my_list = [9, 9, 9, 9]

Even Functions are Objects

import dis

def myFunc():
    x = 1
    y = 2
    z = 'abc'
    return x + y



Let's Explore Objects

# get all the attributes of an object

# get a specific attribute of an object
# equivalent to: obj.y
x = getattr(obj, 'y')

# check if an object has an attribute named 'y'
hasattr(obj, 'y')

Lab Objects

  • Follow the instructions in:



  • We all know about functions:
def func():
    return "hi"


Scope (namespace)

  • Identifiers (names) are looked up in the namespace
  • Local to global in steps
  • First occurrence found wins
info = "hello world"

def localonly():


Scope (globals)

  • We can still access global variables, but we have to explicitly reference them
info = "hello world"

def localonly():


Scope (global shadowing)

  • If we try to assign the variable it won't do what we think
info = "hello world"

def localonly():
   info = "inside localonly"


Variable lifetime

  • Variables exist as long as they are in scope
def localonly():
   info = "inside localonly"


Function parameters and args

  • Become local variables to the function
def hello(arg1):


Function parameters and args

  • Have names and positions
def hello(arg1, arg2=0):

hello(1, 3)
hello(arg2=15, arg1=10)

Nested functions

  • We can define functions within functions
  • Variable lifetime and scoping rules still apply
def outer():
    info = 1
    def inner():


Functions are 1st class objects

  • (nearly) Everything in Python is an object
def func():

print(issubclass(func.__class__, object))

Treating functions as objects

  • We can use functions just like integers and other primitives
def add(x, y):
    return x + y

def sub(x, y):
    return x - y

def do_math(operation, x, y):
    return operation(x, y)

print(do_math(sub, 10, 5))
print(do_math(add, 2, 2))

What about inner functions?

  • Functions defined in other functions are still just objects
def outer():
    def inner():
        print "inside the inner function"
    return inner

my_func = outer()


  • Closures are a way to handle scoping and variable lifetimes so the function objects act as expected
def outside():
    info = 1
    def inside():
        print info
    return inside

my_func = outside()


  • Even with function arguments!
def outside(arg1):
    def inside():
        print arg1
    return inside

my_func1 = outside(123)
my_func2 = outside('xyz')

Decorators (finally)

  • Decorators rely on "functions as objects" and closures
  • They wrap one function in another
def wrapper(passed_in_func):
    def inside():
        print "before passed_in_func"
        retval = passed_in_func()
        return retval + 1
    return inside

def constant():
    return 2

decorated = wrapper(constant)

Useful Decorator

  • Decorators can be used to add bounds checking or other features to our code
def add_two_numbers(x, y):
    return x + y

def ensure_positivity(func):
    def inner(x, y):
        return func(abs(x), abs(y))
    return inner

add_two_numbers(-10, 10)

add_two_numbers = ensure_positivity(add_two_numbers)

add_two_numbers(-10, 10)

Useful Decorator Syntax

  • The @ symbol can be used as "syntactic sugar" to apply a decorator to a function
def ensure_positivity(func):
    def inner(x, y):
        return func(abs(x), abs(y))
    return inner

def add_two_numbers(x, y):
    return x + y

add_two_numbers(-10, 10)

Args and Kwargs in Decorators

  • We can pass along any args or kwargs we have from the decorator to the wrapped function
def debug_call(func):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        print "{} called with {} {}".format(func.func_name, args, kwargs)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return inner

def add(x, y=0):
    return x + y

print add(1, 2)
print add(y=3, x=5)
print add(5)

Lab Decorators

  • Follow the instructions in:


with Parameters

Decorator without parameters

def debug_call(func):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        print "{} called with {} {}".format(func.func_name, args, kwargs)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return inner

def add(x, y=0):
    return x + y

print add(1, 2)
print add(y=3, x=5)
print add(5)

What if we wanted to add a parameter to debug_call?


  • I want to add a parameter to debug_call that enables or disables the printing
    • (perhaps I could make this a global to turn off/on debugging)

Decorators return functions

def add(x, y=0):
    return x + y

# translates into:
add = debug_call(add)

Decorators with Parameters return ???

  • The decorator then becomes a function that:
    • accepts an argument,
    • and returns a function that:
      • accepts a function that:
        • returns another function
def foo(*args, **kwargs):

# translates into:
foo = decorator_with_args(arg)(foo)

Decorator with Parameter

def debug_call(enabled=True):
    def real_debug_call(func):
        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
            if enabled:
                print "{} called with {} {}".format(func.func_name,
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return inner
    return real_debug_call

def add(x, y=0):
    return x + y

def sub(x, y):
    return x - y

print add(1, 2)
print sub(3, 4)

Lab Decorators with Parameters

  • Follow the instructions in:


Test Driven Development

  • Best early detection of bugs:

    • Pair programming

    • Continuous Integration

    • Test Driven Development

  • Test Driven Development (TDD) says essentially:

    • Write a test that for a proposed feature and verify it fails

    • Write the minimal amount of code to make the test pass

    • Refactor

    • Repeat

Unittest Module

  • Module in Python used to implement TDD

    • or other unit testing needs

  • Derive a class from unittest.TestCase

  • For a test runner, unittest.main() is the default, or roll your own

  • Simple test to see if two values were multiplied correctly:

import calculator.operations.arithmetic as arith
import unittest

class TestCalculations(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_multiply(self):
        """ test multiply 2 * 2 """
        testVal = arith.mult(2,2)
        self.assertEqual(testVal, 4)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Unittest Module

  • If a test fixture is needed to setup/takedown the calculator for each test, we can add methods setUp() and tearDown()

    • setUpClass() and tearDownClass() for TestCase-level setup and teardown

  • The naming standard is that each test method name start with test

  • For unit tests, the TestCase class offers (3) primary verifiers:

    • assertEqual(): result is equal to the value we expect

    • assertTrue(): result is a True assertion

    • assertRaises(): result is the Exception we expect

Unittest Test

  • There are more assert methods to make life easy:

    • assertNotEqual(): a != b
      assertTrue(): a is True
      assertFalse(): a is False
      assertIs(): a is b
      assertIsNot(): a is not b
      assertIsNone(): a is None
      assertIsNotNone(): a is not None
      assertIn(): a in b
      assertNotIn(): a not in b
      assertIsInstance(): isinstance(a, b) is True
      assertIsNotInstance(): isinstance(a, b) is False
      assertGreater(a, b): a > b
      assertRaises(ex): raises ex
      assertRegexMatches(x, re): is True

Lab UnitTest

  • Follow the instructions in:


What is a Mock?

  • Let's say you have some code that talks to a database
    • If you implement unit tests you probably don't want your code to talk to the actual database
  • A Mock is an object that looks like the thing your are testing against
    • It doesn't have all the underlying logic to DO anything
    • Think of it like an actor
      • "I'm not a real database, I just play one on TV"

Why use Mocks?

  • Maybe your resource isn't available
  • Maybe you can't force an error on the resource to test how your code will respond
  • Maybe it is too costly to use a real resource
  • Maybe the real resource takes too long
    • Not parallel

Drawbacks to Mocks

  • Building an accurate Mock is time consuming and difficult
    • Has to track the resource changes
  • You built the Mock, and the code, pollution is possible


  • Mock is a library for mocking objects in Python
  • It fits well with the unittest library
  • Mock and MagicMock objects create attributes and methods as you use them
    • store details about how they've been used
  • Mock is available in Python 3 (> 3.3) and has backports available for Python 2

Mock Example

# in Python 3
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
thing = ProductionClass()
thing.method = MagicMock(return_value=3)
thing.method(3, 4, 5, key='value')
thing.method.assert_called_with(3, 4, 5, key='value')

Side Effects

  • You can have the mocked object create side effects
from mock import Mock

thing = Mock(side_effect=KeyError('bam'))

Meta Classes

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Python IV

By Rackspace University

Python IV

Course materials for the penultimate class in the software development curriculum: Python IV

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