Effective Product Delivery


Main Points

  • Communication
  • Honesty (Saying No, Giving feedback)
  • Underpromising & Overdelivering
  • Thinking ahead of time
  • Improving the product
  • Lowering the number of meetings
  • Having someone to crunch the backlog and think about the product (business-wise)
  • Documenting everything* and keeping it updated
  • Keeping simple code
  • Having Quick Access to Designers
  • Not many ceremonies. Avoid estimating tasks.
  • Communication
  • No "closed-budget" projects. But YES to cost-effectiveness.
  • Refactor
  • Coding-strikes


  • Split responsabilities
  • Lead by example
  • Communicate
    • Text database
    • Kanban boards
    • Chat
    • Meetings

Effective Product Organization techiques

By rafinskipg

Effective Product Organization techiques

  • 114