REST, OData, GraphQL, SignalR
The Problem with RESTful APIs
Practical RESTful APIs
- Design APIs around business entities
- Customers, Orders, Products, etc.
- Uses many concepts of HTTP
- URL for addressing and joining, query parameters, headers for authentication, methods for operations, etc.
- Schema and documentation using Open API Specification
Problem: Overfetching, Underfetching
- Overfetching
- returns an entire customer
- What if the client only needs specific fields?
- Underfetching
- returns order headers
- What if the client needs order details for all orders (N+1 problem)
- Logic on the client
- returns customers ordered by ID
- What if the client needs data ordered by customer name?
- Add more endpoints
- 👍 simple to implement for only a few options
- 👎 confusing for larger APIs, a lot of work, inflexible
- Use query parameters
- 👍 flexible, arbitrarily powerful
- 👎 not standardized
What is OData?
- Relatively old OASIS standard
- Latest version is 4.01 (2020)
- Mainly driven by Microsoft and SAP, widely used in their products
(e.g. SharePoint, Graph API, Power BI, etc.)
- Concepts
- Based on RESTful API concepts
- Standardize powerful query capabilities using URL and query params
- Standardized data manipulation operations
- Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL)
- Tutorials
- Solves over/underfetching problem
- Gives client a lot of flexibility
- Standardized
- OASIS standard
- Widely used in Microsoft products (clients, services)
- Covered in Microsoft's own API Guidelines 🔗
- No so widely used outside the MS ecosystem
- Good integration with .NET
- Largely delivered by Microsoft
- Well-suited for use with (relational) databases
- OData queries can be relatively easy translated
into DB queries (e.g. SQL)
- OData queries can be relatively easy translated
- Not the newest and freshest protocol
.NET and OData
- Good integration in ASP.NET Core
- 👍 Used by Microsoft themselves 🔗
- 👎 In the past, not always 🥬
- Good integration with Entity Framework Core
- 👍 Relatively easy to put OData service over EFCore model
- 👎 EFCore data model = OData data model
- Implementation of custom OData providers is possible
- 👍 Flexibility
- 👎 A lot of (interesting) work (we did that before)
What is GraphQL?
- Query and data manipulation language for graph-like data structures
- Like OData, not bound to a specific DB
- Unlike OData, not so much designed around relational DBs
- Unlike OData, not a RESTful API
- Single endpoint, just POST
- Data described using GraphQL's type system (JSON-like)
- Queries and mutations using GraphQL's query language (JSON-like)
What is GraphQL?
- Solves/moves over/underfetching problem
- Gives client a lot of flexibility
- Popular
- No .NET support provided by Microsoft, but from 3rd parties
- Server- and client-side libraries for many languages
- Not so well-suited for use with (relational) databases
- N+1 problem on the server
- Complexity through Data Loaders
.NET and GraphQL
- Two popular GraphQL server implementations
- 👍 Exists for quite a while, active
- 👎 No supported directly by Microsoft
- Decent integration with Entity Framework Core
- Implementation of custom GraphQL providers is possible
- 👍 Flexibility
- 👎 A lot of work to do it right
What is SignalR?
- RPC protocol
- Call methods on client from server and vice versa
- Uses WebSockets, fallbacks available
- Cross-platform
- Server-side practically always .NET
- Various clients available 🔗
- Typically not a replacement of API, but an addition
- Enhance request/reply API with "real-time" features
- Duplex communication between server and client
- No schema language
SignalR without SignalR 😕
- Azure SignalR Service
- SignalR to the frontend, REST in the backend
- Completely cross-platform
- No need to worry about scaling
- Cost-efficient
.NET and SignalR
- Server: Very good integration of SignalR in ASP.NET Core
- Provided directly by Microsoft
- Client: Libraries available for multiple platforms
- Including .NET, Java, JavaScript/TypeScript
- Gain independence from protocol using Azure SignalR
Other Options
Invent Your Own QL
- Invent your own query language
- Based on existing grammar (e.g. JSON, YAML)
- Custom grammar (DSL)
- Frequently done in COTS SaaS applications, examples:
- Pros/Cons
- 👍 Flexibility, can be tailored to specific needs
- 👎 Complexity, a lot of (interesting) work (done it before)
- Support for browser clients with gRPC-Web
- Very good integration in ASP.NET Core
- Provided directly from Microsoft
- Pros/Cons
- 👍 Simple protocol, fast
- 👎 No query language, additional layer on top needed
The Ideal Option
Data Access Layer
Business Logic Layer
REST, OData, GraphQL, SignalR, gRPC
By Rainer Stropek
REST, OData, GraphQL, SignalR, gRPC
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