Latency Matters!
Rainer Stropek | software architects | @rstropek
All images are illustrations, generated by midjourney


In the 70s...
- Pretty much everything is centralized
- Quite dumb terminals
- Expensive and slow WANs

In the 80s...
- Decentralization
- PC in every home, on every desk

... and the problem?
- Software and data distribution
- But there is a solution: The Internet

The pendulum swings...
- Centralization: Webservers
- Browser as the thin client
- ... and as developers we built things like 🤣

... and the problem?
- Poor UI/UX because of lack of interactivity
- Slow because of latency
- So let's make the client smarter again...

Smart Clients are back
- Great UI/UX in Single Page Apps,
Mobile Apps, ... - Cloud-backed APIs
- Did the pendulum find
the perfect middle ground?

... and the problem?
- Need APIs for everything
- Auth 🤯
- Protect algorithms and data
- Technology mix
- Keep app packages small

What we need...
- Move some parts of applications to cloud-backed servers
- Reduce complexity (Metaframeworks like next.js, qwick, Blazor United)
- Requirement: Low latency

Great to have a connected word, but...
... latency is a
matter of distance

is a matter of distance!
Cloud in your neighbourhood 👍

... blazingly fast ⚡
Latency Matters!
Rainer Stropek | @rstropek
Latency Matters! Azure goes AT
By Rainer Stropek
Latency Matters! Azure goes AT
- 461